June, 1965 – Validity of the Joint Salary Survey of March 1, 1965 (Policy)
Title: Validity of the Joint Salary Survey of March 1, 1965 (Policy)
Date: June 1965
Pages: 3
Summary: The Commission studied the "Wage and Salary Survey" which was prepared jointly by the City of Los Angeles, the County of Los Angeles, the City Schools of Los Angeles, and the Los Angeles City Housing Authority. The survey presented a summary of private industry wages to serve as a guide in determining 1965 County salary levels. Changes were recommended in the classification of the private industry data to accurately reflect the County personnel structure and to advise the Board to conduct a more in-depth study.
Links: View Report as PDF
October, 1965 – Productivity in County Departments (Operations)
Title: Productivity in County Departments (Operations)
Date: October 1965
Pages: 311
Summary: The Commission evaluated an Arthur Young and Company report and proposals on work measurement techniques. The Commission found that full implementation of the program proposed by Arthur Young and Company would permit a reduction of 31 employees in two departments, and projected an annual savings of $183,700. The report also recommended that the Board direct that the Chief Administrative Officer establish a formal work measurement program to be extended to all appropriate functions in the County.
Links: View Report as PDF
November, 1965 – Civil Service Operations (Operations)
Title: Civil Service Operations (Operations)
Date: November 1965
Pages: 4
Summary: The Commission proposed that the Board approve the hiring of private industry personnel specialists to assist the Commission in formulating recommendations directed towards streamlining and improving civil service procedures.
Links: View Report as PDF
February, 1966 – Preliminary Report on the Feasibility of the Proposed Reorganization of the Department of Charities Contained in the Board Order 114, dated January 4, 1966 (Operations)
Title: Preliminary Report on the Feasibility of the Proposed Reorganization of the Department of Charities Contained in the Board Order 114, dated January 4, 1966 (Operations)
Date: February 1966
Pages: 11
Summary: The Commission performed a preliminary survey and analysis of the Los Angeles County Department of Charities organization. Three propositions were considered: 1) Establish four new county departments, 2) Assign new department responsibility to the Board of Supervisors, 3) To elevate the present bureaus to fill departmental status, relieve the superintendent of responsibility for day to day responsibility, but retain for overall attention to major problems affecting welfare programs. The Commission recommends to study more of Prop 1, oppose Prop 2, and no real conclusion to Prop 3, except for recognizing it as a staffing problem.
Links: View Report as PDF
May, 1966 – Report on Civil Service Operations (Operations)
Title: Report on Civil Service Operations (Operations)
Date: May 1966
Pages: 23
Summary: This report was initiated as a result of extensive criticism of Civil Service practices. It recommends action by the Board and Civil Service Commission to correct deficiencies in the operation of the Civil Service System. It recommends an interim department head be appointed with responsibility to institute reforms immediately.
Links: View Report as PDF
May, 1966 – Organization Planning in County Government (Organization)
Title: Organization Planning in County Government (Organization)
Date: May 1966
Pages: 26
Summary: The Commission believes potential savings in manpower, money, and equipment could be realized in County government through effective coordination, if implemented gradually. The report addressed four areas for organizational improvements: span of control, grouping of activities-consolidation and separation, advisory boards, committees and commissions, and, delegation of authority and responsibility. The report made recommendations for improving the County's organizational structure. This included a formalized Organization Planning Function within the Chief Administrative Office to direct continuous coordination and improvement efforts.
Links: View Report as PDF
July, 1966 – Civil Service Recommendations - County Personnel Organization and Administration (Organization)
Title: Civil Service Recommendations - County Personnel Organization and Administration (Organization)
Date: July 1966
Pages: 11
Summary: This document is the EEC Committee memo regarding the lack of action in our previous recommendations covering the Civil Service Department and has attached a report on the consolidation of the personnel functions in County Government. The Commission addressed the problems in the Civil Service Department, which involved low morale and poor communication. The Commission recommended an implementation program for the consolidation of all personnel functions into a single agency. This could be accomplished by amending the Charter to divest the Civil Service Commission of its responsibilities for administrative direction in the Civil Service Department. Chief administrative responsibility should go to the Secretary and the Chief Examiner. The creation of an Employee Relations Division within the department should be established, and clear functions for the Civil Service Commission in these matters should be stated.
Links: View Report as PDF
August, 1966 – Charter Amendment on Personnel Functions (Legislation)
Title: Charter Amendment on Personnel Functions (Legislation)
Date: August 1966
Pages: 4
Summary: The Commission reviewed a draft from various County departments and union leaders recommending changes to the proposed Charter Amendment concerning the reorganization of personnel functions. The Commission recommended approval, by the Board, of the Charter amendment covering the reorganization of the County's personnel functions. The report recommended, to the extent possible, that the responsible County officers should begin immediately to lay the groundwork for the consolidation of the County's personnel functions.
Links: View Report as PDF
August , 1966 – County Compensation Policies and Practices (Policy)
Title: County Compensation Policies and Practices (Policy)
Date: August 1966
Pages: 21
Summary: The Commission organized a Special Industry Committee with representatives from a cross section of Los Angeles business and industry to conduct an in-depth joint salary survey and study the County's compensation practices. The Commission reviewed the committee's findings and recommended that the Board employ a management consultant firm to develop additional recommendations for more effective procedures in determining pay scales for jobs peculiar to government service.
Links: View Report as PDF
November, 1966 – Recommended Board Action on County Compensation Policies and Practices Report (Policy)
Title: Recommended Board Action on County Compensation Policies and Practices Report (Policy)
Date: November 1966
Pages: 3
Summary: The Commission submitted a letter to the Board outlining the recommendations mentioned in the study, County Compensation Policies and Practices. The recommendations are supported by the Secretary, the Chief Examiner, and the Chief Administrative Officer.
Links: View Report as PDF
April, 1967 – Executive Compensation Study (Policy)
Title: Executive Compensation Study (Policy)
Date: April 1967
Pages: 87
Summary: This is a report issued by a management consulting firm concerning executive compensation and development. It made recommendations for an on-going salary administration plan. An eight page letter from the Commission, dated April 5, 1967, outlined the objective of developing a systematic and logical compensation plan that the Board could use in determining executive salaries.
Links: View Report as PDF
September, 1967 – Consolidation of Sheriff-Marshal Bailiff and Civil Process Functions in Los Angeles County (Organization)
Title: Consolidation of Sheriff-Marshal Bailiff and Civil Process Functions in Los Angeles County (Organization)
Date: September 1967
Pages: 51
Summary: The Commission studied the feasibility of combining the bailiff and civil process functions of the Marshal and the Sheriff. The Commission felt there was no justification for continuing these duplicate functions, and estimates that consolidation of the two organizations would result in a net reduction of 110 positions and an annual personnel cost savings of $1,433,616. The Commission recommends that the Board take all necessary action to secure legislation to enable the County to consolidate the bailiff and civil process functions under the Sheriff.
Links: View Report as PDF
February, 1968 – Executive Compensation Study Evaluation (Policy)
Title: Executive Compensation Study Evaluation (Policy)
Date: February 1968
Pages: 4
Summary: The Board questioned various sections of a management consultant firms' Executive Compensation Study , and requested the Commission to re-evaluate the report and offer its recommendations. The Commission responded with a letter stating that a thorough study would be conducted and completed within a few months.
Links: View Report as PDF
May, 1968 – Executive Compensation in Los Angeles County Government (Policy)
Title: Executive Compensation in Los Angeles County Government (Policy)
Date: May 1968
Pages: 26
Summary: The Commission evaluated a management consultant's Executive Compensation Study. This report includes supplementary data covering salaries for comparable jobs in both private and public agencies, and a specific review of the salaries paid by comparable government agencies in California.
Links: View Report as PDF | View Background Report as PDF
August, 1968 – Changes to the Committee's Executive Salary Recommendations (Operations)
Title: Changes to the Committee's Executive Salary Recommendations (Operations)
Date: August 1968
Pages: 6
Summary: This letter summarizes the views of the Commission on the County's Executive salary plan. It expresses concerns over inconsistencies in the implementation of pay schedules within county departments and recommends that the responsibility for evaluating and recommending to the Board any changes in the executive salary system should be assigned to the Director of Personnel. It also recommends the establishment of a Executive Salary Review Committee.
Links: View Report as PDF
November, 1968 – Advisory Commissions and Committees (Operations)
Title: Advisory Commissions and Committees (Operations)
Date: November 1968
Pages: 2
Summary: The Board referred a Grand Jury's report on architectural services to the Commission for study. The Commission's report supported the Grand Jury's criticism of awarding contracts, noting that the system allowed individual Board members to take the sole responsibility of selecting a contractor, simply because the project was in his/her district.
Links: View Report as PDF
March, 1969 – County Architectural Services (Operations)
Title: County Architectural Services (Operations)
Date: March 1969
Pages: 40
Summary: The Board referred a Grand Jury's report on architectural services to the Commission for study. The Commission's report supported the Grand Jury's criticism of awarding contracts, noting that the system allowed individual Board members to take the sole responsibility of selecting a contractor, simply because the project was in his/her district.
Links: View Report as PDF
July, 1970 – Study of the Los Angeles County Charter (Legislation)
Title: Study of the Los Angeles County Charter (Legislation)
Date: July 1970
Pages: 35
Summary: The Commission studied two major issues of the Los Angeles County Charter: the organization structure of county government, particularly the relationship that should exist between the board, Chief Administrative Officer and department heads; and, the size of the board, increasing it from five to seven members. The report recommended several changes to the county organizational structure, the establishment of a county chief executive, and a ballot proposition increasing the size of the board.
Note: Although the available pages of this report are posted, the original from which they were taken is missing a significant number of pages.
Links: View Report as PDF
February, 1971 – Summary Report - E & E Commission (Commission)
Title: Summary Report - E & E Commission (Commission)
Date: February 1971
Pages: 9
Summary: Since its creation, to date, the Commission had submitted 16 reports and 20 letters to the Board. Of the 16 reports, four were minor progress reports. The other twelve contain 72 separate recommendations. The Board had approved 68 recommendations, 35 were fully implemented, six were partially implemented and two were in the process of being implemented. Tables list the 12 major reports, from 1965 through 1970, the recommendations contained in each, and the action taken on each recommendation.
Links: View Report as PDF
May, 1971 – Consolidation of County Departments and Centralization of Public Information Function (Organization)
Title: Consolidation of County Departments and Centralization of Public Information Function (Organization)
Date: May 1971
Pages: 20
Summary: The Commission responded to proposals from the Board by offering a number of recommendations. These included the following: that department heads from Mental Health, Hospitals, and the Health Departments, be consolidated under one department head; that the Marshal's Department of the Municipal Court with the Superior Court Bailiffs be consolidated; and that all Public Information and Personnel functions be incorporated into the Chief Administrative Office.
Links: View Report as PDF
July, 1971 – Employee Relations and Salary Determination in Los Angeles County (Policy)
Title: Employee Relations and Salary Determination in Los Angeles County (Policy)
Date: July 1971
Pages: 16
Summary: The Commission reviewed the major elements involved in administering employee relations and determining salaries in Los Angeles County Government. The purpose of this report was to discuss problem areas rather than to draw conclusions. No recommendations were presented in this report.
Links: View Report as PDF
February, 1972 – Report on the Department of Public Administrator-Public Guardian (Organization)
Title: Report on the Department of Public Administrator-Public Guardian (Organization)
Date: February 1972
Pages: 7
Summary: At the request of the Board, the Commission submitted recommendations to establish an effective management control system that would effectively deal with departmental problems, mismanagement, waste and delays. The report recommended the establishment of a Policy and Management Commission to institute an effectively functioning department of Public Administrator-Public Guardian through the creation of proper systems, procedures, and controls.
Links: View Report as PDF
March, 1972 – Amendments to the Report on the Department of Public Administrator-Public Guardian (Organization)
Title: Amendments to the Report on the Department of Public Administrator-Public Guardian (Organization)
Date: March 1972
Pages: 2
Summary: The Commission responded to a Board's request for changes in the composition and role of the Policy and Management Commission. It recommends five instead of four Commissioners be selected from outside the County. The fifth Commissioner would be nominated by the State and Local Government Committee of the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce. The Public Administrator-Public Guardian would act as a sixth member of the Commission, but would have no vote.
Links: View Report as PDF
Summary Report - E & E Commission (Commission)
Title: Summary Report - E & E Commission (Commission)
Date: April 1972
Pages: 11
Summary: Since its creation, the Commission had submitted 18 reports and 24 letters to the Board. Of the 18 reports, four were minor progress reports. The other fourteen contained 79 separate recommendations. Tables list the 14 major reports from 1965 through February, 1972, the recommendations contained in each, and the action taken on each recommendation.
Links: View Report as PDF
June, 1972 – Fire Protection Services in Los Angeles County (Operations)
Title: Fire Protection Services in Los Angeles County (Operations)
Date: June 1972
Pages: 200
Summary: This report attempted to determine whether the present fire protection system provides an effective level of service at a reasonable cost to taxpayers. The report described and discussed problems and analyzed the relative merits of alternatives to the present system. Consolidation and contracting of fire services were also discussed.
Links: View Report as PDF
August, 1972 – Proposed Charter Amendments (Legislation)
Title: Proposed Charter Amendments (Legislation)
Date: August 1972
Pages: 7
Summary: At the request of the Board of Supervisors, the Commission reviewed two proposed amendments to the County charter. The Task Force recommended that an amendment be placed on the November ballot allowing the County to hold open competitive examinations for department heads and their chief deputies unless a modification to these procedures could be justified. The Task Force advised against placing such controversial issues as enlargement of the Board of Supervisors, establishment of an elected County Chief Executive, and deletion of the prevailing wage clause on the ballot at that time.
Links: View Report as PDF
September, 1972 – Management of Construction Projects / Los Angeles County - Vol. I (Real Asset Management)
Title: Management of Construction Projects / Los Angeles County - Vol. I (Real Asset Management)
Date: September 1972
Pages: 43
Summary: The Commission studied the County's administration and management of its facility construction program. Volume I presents findings and conclusions and descriptions of the 18 specific recommendations.
Links: View Report as PDF
September, 1972 – Management of Construction Projects/Los Angeles County - Vol. II (Real Asset Management)
Title: Management of Construction Projects/Los Angeles County - Vol. II (Real Asset Management)
Date: September 1972
Pages: 247
Summary: The Commission recommended improvements in the County's administration and management of its facility construction program. Volume II provides a detailed analysis leading to the recommendations, summaries of the data used, and chronological histories of the three construction projects specifically requested by the Board.
Links: View Report as PDF
November, 1972 – Chief Administrative Officer's Recommended Construction Improvements Program (Real Asset Management)
Title: Chief Administrative Officer's Recommended Construction Improvements Program (Real Asset Management)
Date: November 1972
Pages: 6
Summary: The Commission reviewed the Chief Administrative Officer's comprehensive program for improvement of County capital construction programs recommending the establishment of a consolidated Facilities Acquisition and Management Department. The Commission made similar recommendations in, Management of Construction Projects/Los Angeles County. The Commission recommended that the Board order the implementation of the Chief Administrative Officer's recommendations.
Links: View Report as PDF
November, 1972 – Summary Report - E & E Commission (Commission)
Title: Summary Report - E & E Commission (Commission)
Date: November 1972
Pages: 12
Summary: Since its creation, the Commission had conducted 17 major reports, resulting in 101 recommendations. The Board had approved 97 recommendations, 42 were fully implemented, eight partially implemented and 21 were in the process of being implemented. Tables list the 17 reports, from 1965 through September, 1972, the recommendations contained in each, and the action taken on each recommendation.
Links: View Report as PDF
January, 1973 – Design and Construction of the Criminal Courts Building (Real Asset Management)
Title: Design and Construction of the Criminal Courts Building (Real Asset Management)
Date: January 1973
Pages: 3
Summary: The Commission investigated the design and construction of the Criminal Courts building. The investigation focused on the problems in construction of the building (i.e., schematic drawings being changed four different times) and accountability issues. The Commission noted that the major cause of the problem in constructing the building was the lack of unified responsibility.
Links: View Report as PDF
April, 1973 – Audit Function for the Board of Supervisors (Operations)
Title: Audit Function for the Board of Supervisors (Operations)
Date: April 1973
Pages: 3
Summary: The Commission responded to a recommendation by a Supervisor that the Board implement a separate Audit division whose function would be similar to that of the United States General Accounting Office. The Commission pointed out that such a function would not be truly independent, as is the General Accounting Office. Such independence could only be achieved by creating an executive office separate from the Board.
Links: View Report as PDF
May, 1973 – Charter Study Issues (Legislation)
Title: Charter Study Issues (Legislation)
Date: May 1973
Pages: 22
Summary: The purpose of this internal Commission letter (from staff to task force) was to provide background information to the task force. The letter addressed three major charter amendment issues: an elective chief executive, appointed chief executive, and size of the Board.
Links: View Report as PDF
June, 1973 – Summary Report - E & E Commission (Commission)
Title: Summary Report - E & E Commission (Commission)
Date: June 1973
Pages: 12
Summary: Since its creation, the Commission had conducted 17 major reports, resulting in 101 recommendations. The Board approved 97 recommendations, 43 were fully implemented, including four County Charter amendments. Seven were partially implemented and 22 were in progress. Tables list the 17 reports, from 1965 through September, 1972, the recommendations contained in each, and the action taken on each recommendation. The Commission was under the direction of a new Chairmen and the figures stated differ from previous reports, due to the Chairman's interpretation of events.
Links: View Report as PDF
August, 1973 – Charter Proposals for the 1973 Special Election (Legislation)
Title: Charter Proposals for the 1973 Special Election (Legislation)
Date: August 1973
Pages: 9
Summary: The Charter Study Task Force of the Commission recommended that the Board of Supervisors place only two of several proposed charter amendments on the ballot for the November, 1973 special election. These amendments were to establish the position of an elected County Chief Executive; and to expand the Board of Supervisors from five to seven members.
Links: View Report as PDF
August, 1973 – Consolidated Facilities Department (Organization)
Title: Consolidated Facilities Department (Organization)
Date: August 1973
Pages: 2
Summary: This is a report of the Construction of the Projects Task Force reaffirming the previous recommendation on the organization of the consolidated Facilities Department. The Board of Supervisors discussed the possibility of removing certain functions performed by the Real Estate Department from this consolidation. The Commission does not see the need to take this action. The Commission recommends that the Real Estate Department be placed within the new consolidated department.
Links: View Report as PDF
August, 1973 – Request that the California State Assembly Conduct an Interim Committee Study Regarding Assembly Bill 1480 -- Sheriff-Marshal Consolidation (Policy)
Title: Request that the California State Assembly Conduct an Interim Committee Study Regarding Assembly Bill 1480 -- Sheriff-Marshal Consolidation (Policy)
Date: August 1973
Pages: 2
Summary: In this letter the Commission requests that the California State Assembly Conduct an Interim Committee Study Regarding Assembly Bill 1480. It supports the consolidation of the Marshall and the Sheriff as being in the best interest of Los Angeles County.
Links: View Report as PDF
December, 1973 – Civil Service and Collective Bargaining in Los Angeles County Government (Policy)
Title: Civil Service and Collective Bargaining in Los Angeles County Government (Policy)
Date: December 1973
Pages: 135
Summary: The Commission studied the duplication and conflict between the civil service system and the County's established collective bargaining system. The Commission conducted a comprehensive analysis of the entire employer-employee relations system, and presented six recommendations for effective and economic resolutions to problems and conflicts.
Links: View Report as PDF
January, 1974 – Appointment of County Department Heads (Policy)
Title: Appointment of County Department Heads (Policy)
Date: January 1974
Pages: 2
Summary: This is a letter explaining the concern of the Commission over the morale of county managers as a result of the observation that 5 out of 6 appointments to county leadership positions were to made to candidates from outside the County. The Commission emphasized that the Board of Supervisors should act to dispel the notion that outsiders will be given favorable consideration for top level positions and to make it clear that those county managers who are qualified will be considered as principle candidates for promotion to leadership positions.
Links: View Report as PDF
March, 1974 – Appointment and Supervision of the Director of Regional Planning (Organization)
Title: Appointment and Supervision of the Director of Regional Planning (Organization)
Date: March 1974
Pages: 10
Summary: The Commission studied the seven Commissions operating as the head of the department and appointment authority of the executive. The report considered Supervisor Ward's proposal to establish a department of Regional Planning under a director of Regional Planning who would be appointed by and report to the Board. This is the first of a series of reports concerning department heads and their respective Commissions.
Links: View Report as PDF
June, 1974 – Appointing Authority and Operating Responsibility of the Arboreta and Botanic Gardens and the Otis Art Institute (Organization)
Title: Appointing Authority and Operating Responsibility of the Arboreta and Botanic Gardens and the Otis Art Institute (Organization)
Date: June 1974
Pages: 19
Summary: This is the second in a series of reports regarding Commission departments. This report deals with the Arboreta and Botanic Gardens and the Otis Art Institute. Recommendations are made to clarify authority and responsibility for each recreational facility.
Links: View Report as PDF
July, 1974 – Special Investigative and Management Audit Agency (Organization)
Title: Special Investigative and Management Audit Agency (Organization)
Date: July 1974
Pages: 11
Summary: The Commission studied a proposal by Supervisor Hays to establish a Special Investigative and Management Audit Agency within the department of the Board of Supervisors. The Commission recommends that this agency be established reporting directly to the Board. The report also recommends that the agency be empowered to investigate any area of County government upon direction of the Board or on its own initiative.
Links: View Report as PDF
July, 1974 – County Chief Executive and Size of the Board of Supervisors (Organization)
Title: County Chief Executive and Size of the Board of Supervisors (Organization)
Date: July 1974
Pages: 52
Summary: Two amendments to the County Charter were proposed by the Board that involve the size of the Board and the creation of an elected County Chief Executive. The Commission recommended in this report that the position of chief executive be established through an amendment to the County Charter. The Commission was divided on its recommendations concerning the manner of appointments by popular election, or by Board appointment. The report recommends that both means of appointment be placed on the ballot as two separate propositions for a final decision by the voters.
Links: View Report as PDF
September, 1974 – Operation of the Museum of Natural History (Organization)
Title: Operation of the Museum of Natural History (Organization)
Date: September 1974
Pages: 10
Summary: This is the third in a series of reports concerning departments. This report makes recommendations to amend the ordinance governing the operation of the Museum of Natural History and to continue the authority of the Board of Governors to appoint or discharge the Director. It also recommends that the Board of Supervisors approver the appointment or discharge of the Director; and that the responsibilities of the Board of Governors and the Director be redefined.
Links: View Report as PDF
October, 1974 – Report on the Business License Commission (Organization)
Title: Report on the Business License Commission (Organization)
Date: October 1974
Pages: 27
Summary: This is the fourth in a series of reports concerning Commission department heads. It recommends that ordinances should be amended to reflect a reduction of annual meetings from 80 to a maximum of 36. It suggests that the stipend for Commission members should be reduced from $100 per meeting to $25, the appointment of an executive officer, and, the discontinuance of the Commission's responsibilities for the inspection of hospitals and other health facilities.
Links: View Report as PDF
October, 1974 – Correcting the Problems in the Present Civil Service System (Organization)
Title: Correcting the Problems in the Present Civil Service System (Organization)
Date: October 1974
Pages: 4
Summary: In this letter to the Board the Commission restates its recommendation to combine the Civil Service Commission with the Employee Relations Commission to insure the appropriate qualifications of those appointed. By taking this and other actions the Commission feels that problems ingrained in the present system will be corrected.
Links: View Report as PDF
November, 1974 – Commission and Committee Compensation in Los Angeles County Government (Policy)
Title: Commission and Committee Compensation in Los Angeles County Government (Policy)
Date: November 1974
Pages: 19
Summary: This report recommended a general ordinance covering the establishment of commissions and committees, screening and appointment of commission members, stipends and expenses, meeting attendance, reporting and budgeting. The conclusion was that the County does not have consistent policies regarding stipends or expenses. A policy should be adopted providing that large stipends should be paid where professional skills are employed or where service is more than half time, and that all commission and committee members should be entitled to reimbursement for expenses, including mileage.
Links: View Report as PDF
December, 1974 – Report on the Economy & Efficiency Commission (Commission)
Title: Report on the Economy & Efficiency Commission (Commission)
Date: December 1974
Pages: 14
Summary: The Economy & Efficiency Commission issued a report on the 98 Commissions and Committees in County government. Included is a report on its own activities since its inception in 1964.
Links: View Report as PDF
December, 1974 – Progress Report on Strengthening the Emergency Medical Care Committee (Organization)
Title: Progress Report on Strengthening the Emergency Medical Care Committee (Organization)
Date: December 1974
Pages: 8
Summary: This progress report lists two preliminary recommendations to strengthen the Emergency Medical Care Committee. The first recommendation is to include in the County's legislative program amendments to the Health and Safety Code provisions enabling the Emergency Medical Care Committee to act in an advisory capacity. The second recommends that the Board request individual members of each committee or commission, with a role related to the provision of emergency medical services, to support the legislation.
Links: View Report as PDF
December, 1974 – Progress Report on a Separate Auditor Department (Organization)
Title: Progress Report on a Separate Auditor Department (Organization)
Date: December 1974
Pages: 3
Summary: The Economy and Efficiency Commission presents findings in their report on the Grand Jury's recommendation that the Audit Division of the Auditor-Controller's Office be made a separate department. The Commission recommended, in light of the crossover of duties of the Auditor and Controller in state law, that changes needed to be made to the state law, County Charter, and County Ordinance. Also, additional supervisory positions needed to be created at an additional cost to the County of $150,000 annually.
Links: View Report as PDF
February, 1975 – Report on the Committee on Emergency Medical Care (Organization)
Title: Report on the Committee on Emergency Medical Care (Organization)
Date: February 1975
Pages: 39
Summary: The Commission's report contains final conclusions and recommendations on the role of the Committee on Emergency Care. These included a list of responsibilities, principles of operation, composition and method of appointment of members, relationship to the paramedic committee, and communications with other groups.
Links: View Report as PDF
April, 1975 – Recommendations on the Authority of the Employee Relations Commission (Policy)
Title: Recommendations on the Authority of the Employee Relations Commission (Policy)
Date: April 1975
Pages: 5
Summary: This letter to the Board resulted from a ruling by Judge Norman R. Dowds of the Superior Court on March 18, 1975. The ruling stated that the orders of the Employee Relations Commission are to be treated as advisory only. This makes the operation essentially meaningless, and renders the County's bargaining system inoperable or at least seriously impaired. In light of this ruling, the Commission made two recommendations to the Board: to instruct County management to comply with Employee Relations Committee orders, unless otherwise directed by the Board; and, that the Board amend the Employee Relations ordinance to include additional language stating that orders shall have the force and effect of law.
Links: View Report as PDF
April, 1975 – Report on a Separate Auditor Department (Organization)
Title: Report on a Separate Auditor Department (Organization)
Date: April 1975
Pages: 31
Summary: The Commission's final report on a separate Auditor Department makes two recommendations. The first, that the Audit Division should remain within the organization of the Auditor-Controller. The second, that the Board request the Grand Jury conduct full scale audits of the Board offices, the Chief Administrative Office, and the Auditor-Controller at least once every three years.
Links: View Report as PDF
May, 1975 – Request to Review Recommendations for Change in the Arboreta and Botanic Gardens Ordinance (Organization)
Title: Request to Review Recommendations for Change in the Arboreta and Botanic Gardens Ordinance (Organization)
Date: May 1975
Pages: 5
Summary: The Commission reviewed its previous recommendations made in the report entitled, "Appointing Authority and Operating Responsibility of the Arboreta and Botanic Gardens and the Otis Art Institute". The Commission recommends that the Ordinance be revised to allow directors, but not officers, of the four voluntary citizen supporting foundations and societies to serve on the Board of Governors, and that no other changes be made.
Links: View Report as PDF
June, 1975 – Establishment of Commissions and Committees in Los Angeles County Government (Policy)
Title: Establishment of Commissions and Committees in Los Angeles County Government (Policy)
Date: June 1975
Pages: 9
Summary: The Commission recommended that the Board instruct the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to adopt a procedure that would apply whenever the Board initiates action to establish a new Commission or Committee. The CAO should prepare a report and recommendations that would include: an analysis of whether the new Commission is needed; whether it will duplicate the work of other Commissions; and, lists in detail the provisions to be incorporated in the ordinance establishing the Commission. The report also includes models of a recommended ordinance and internal operating procedures for the Economy & Efficiency Commission.
Links: View Report as PDF
August, 1975 – Report on the Paramedic Committee (Organization)
Title: Report on the Paramedic Committee (Organization)
Date: August 1975
Pages: 51
Summary: This is the Commission's addendum report to the "Report on The Committee on Emergency Medical Care". This report examined the composition and functions of the Paramedic Committee. The report recommended: that the Board amend the ordinance to dissolve the Paramedic Committee and establish by ordinance a Paramedic Commission. Such a Commission would promote fair treatment of all sectors of the community having an interest in providing paramedic training or services, and high quality paramedic care.
Links: View Report as PDF
November, 1975 – Filling Vacant Elective Offices in Los Angeles County (Policy)
Title: Filling Vacant Elective Offices in Los Angeles County (Policy)
Date: November 1975
Pages: 42
Summary: The Commission reported on the advisability of revising the County Charter to provide for special elections when vacancies occur in County elective offices. In addition, it reported on the cost of special elections, scheduling special elections relative to regular elections, and the legal steps necessary to amend the charter at the earliest possible time. The Commission recommended that the Board make the following amendments to section 8 (Board vacancies): "The Board shall fill vacancies and the appointee holds office until the election of a successor. If the Board fails to make an appointment in 60 days, then the Governor shall fill the vacancy" and amend Section 16 (County-wide offices) to "whenever a vacancy occurs in an elective office, the Board shall fill the vacancy until a successor is elected."
Links: View Report as PDF
November, 1975 – Report on Commissions and Committees Assigned to the Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) (Organization)
Title: Report on Commissions and Committees Assigned to the Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) (Organization)
Date: November 1975
Pages: 6
Summary: The Economy and Efficiency Commission, reviewed Commissions and Committees assigned to the Department of Public Social Services (DPSS). This report is the result of a request from DPSS to the Board to approve the extension of two staff members' contracts on the Review Commission for two more years. The Economy and Efficiency Commission recommended that the Review Commission continue for one additional year to complete its current work and that the Chief Administrative Office (CAO) and County Counsel negotiate and prepare the necessary contracts. It also recommends that, in the interim, the CAO and Economy and Efficiency Commission conduct a detailed study of the work of the DPSS Commissions to determine the most appropriate Commission structure for the DPSS.
Links: View Report as PDF
December, 1975 – Report on the Department of Facilities (Organization)
Title: Report on the Department of Facilities (Organization)
Date: December 1975
Pages: 11
Summary: The Board adopted and implemented the recommendations from the Commission's study, "Management of Construction Projects/Los Angeles County, Volume II", establishing a Facilities Department under one head and consolidating all major functions involved in the planning design and acquisition of County facilities. The Board subsequently requested the Commission to monitor the activities of the department. After two years of operation the department submitted its first annual report, which the Economy and Efficiency Commission reviewed. The Commission concludes that the Department has made substantial progress in two years, successfully implementing major recommendations from the Commission's report, and that $39.9 million has been saved through reprogramming or redesign of projects.
Links: View Report as PDF
January, 1976 – The New York City Crisis and Los Angeles County Government (Organization)
Title: The New York City Crisis and Los Angeles County Government (Organization)
Date: January 1976
Pages: 6
Summary: The Commission reviewed the factors leading to the financial crisis in New York City, and made preventative recommendations to safeguard Los Angeles County from a similar disaster. The Commission proposed to conduct a thorough and intensive study and issue a series of reports.
Links: View Report as PDF
February, 1976 – Proposed Charter Amendment to Remove Department Heads and Chief Deputies from Civil Service Status (Legislation)
Title: Proposed Charter Amendment to Remove Department Heads and Chief Deputies from Civil Service Status (Legislation)
Date: February 1976
Pages: 3
Summary: The Commission agreed with the overall objectives of Supervisor Schabarum's proposal to remove department headstand chief deputies from civil service status, making these officials accountable to the Board for their performance and enabling the Board to discipline or remove them if warranted. The Commission also felt that the selection process should require open, competitive examinations supervised and administered by the Civil Service Commission. In addition, if a County executive were dismissed, he/she should have the right to meet with the Board in executive session, or in a public session if they so request, to consider and discuss the reasons for their dismissal. Thus, the Commission opposes the proposal unless it included effective safeguards against political influence.
Links: View Report as PDF
May, 1976 – Report on the Economy & Efficiency Commission (Commission)
Title: Report on the Economy & Efficiency Commission (Commission)
Date: May 1976
Pages: 17
Summary: The Commission's report on its activities since its resolution by the Board in June, 1964. The Board adopted an ordinance in August, 1975 continuing the Commission and specifying in detail its duties, method of operation and qualifications of its members. This report describes the Commission's operation, and briefly summarizes the contents of each of the major reports. It also includes a comment on the actions taken.
Links: View Report as PDF
May, 1976 – The New York City Crisis and Los Angeles County Government: Organization, Employment and Compensation (Organization)
Title: The New York City Crisis and Los Angeles County Government: Organization, Employment and Compensation (Organization)
Date: May 1976
Pages: 40
Summary: The report proposed changes to improve the County's control of employment, compensation, and organization. It recommended that the Chief Administrative Officer be delegated the authority to hire and/or dismiss, and be responsible, subject to approval of the Board, for direct supervision of Building Services, Communications, Data Processing, Facilities, Mechanical, Personnel, and Purchasing departments; and, that a compensation review committee be established to annually review the County's compensation recommendations.
Links: View Report as PDF
June, 1976 – Commission Structure for the Department of Public Social Services (Organization)
Title: Commission Structure for the Department of Public Social Services (Organization)
Date: June 1976
Pages: 13
Summary: The Commission report studied the citizens commissions assigned to the Department of Public Social Services (DPSS). Those Commissions are: the Public Social Services Commission (PSSC), the Commission to Review Public Social Services (CRPSS), and the Special General Relief Review Committee (SGRRC). The Economy and Efficiency Commission recommended that: the Board abolish the PSSC and the CRPSS, and replace them with a single Commission to be called the Commission for Public Social Service; the SGRRC be discontinued after completing its work in August, 1976; and, that County Counsel submit an ordinance amending the Administrative Code to establish new Commissions according to the Economy and Efficiency Commissions recommendations.
Links: View Report as PDF
County Proposition
Title: County Proposition "B" (Legislation)
Date: June 1976
Pages: 3
Summary: This Commission letter states unanimous opposition to Proposition "B." The proposition would remove department heads from civil service, and eliminate the charter requirement for open competitive examinations and merit system selection for these positions. The Commission expressed concern that the measure would politicize the process of selecting County executives who have substantial power and influence over the selection of contractors, regulation of business and development, and expenditures of millions of public dollars. The Commission also noted that it voted to reconsider executive appointment and dismissal procedures as they relate to the proposal for an elected mayor.
Links: View Report as PDF
September, 1976 – Eliminating Automatic Step Increases and Controlling Supervisory Costs in Los Angeles County Government (Operations)
Title: Eliminating Automatic Step Increases and Controlling Supervisory Costs in Los Angeles County Government (Operations)
Date: September 1976
Pages: 38
Summary: This is the second in a series of reports covering issues involving the County agency and local government structure, effectiveness of County services, and debt planning and control. (The first report was "The New York City Crises and Los Angeles County Government: Organization, Employment, and Compensation.") This report recommended that the Board direct the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and the Department of Personnel to eliminate the automatic step increase plan for all employees. It also recommends that the Board direct the Chief Administrative Officer to conduct detailed studies of supervisory levels in each County department. It also recommends including in this study: results, plans for improvement, and their impact on cost in the budget recommendations for the next fiscal year and subsequent years.
Links: View Report as PDF
September , 1976 – Summary Report on the Activities of the Economy & Efficiency Commission (Commission)
Title: Summary Report on the Activities of the Economy & Efficiency Commission (Commission)
Date: September 1976
Pages: 11
Summary: The Commission reported on its activities, specifying in detail its duties, method of operation and qualifications of its members. This report described the Commission's operation, and summarized each of the major reports and actions taken on Commission recommendations.
Links: View Report as PDF
Pros and Cons on Proposition
Title: Pros and Cons on Proposition "A" and Proposition "B" (Legislation)
Date: September 1976
Pages: 20
Summary: This is a Task Force position paper on the major advantages and disadvantages of Propositions "A" and Proposition "B." Proposition "A" dealt with an elective county executive; Proposition "B" with increasing the size of the Board. The Task Force recommended that the Commission support Proposition "A."
Links: View Report as PDF
County Propositions
Title: County Propositions "A" and "B" Elected Mayor and Size of the Board of Supervisors (Legislation)
Date: October 1976
Pages: 23
Summary: This report gives a detailed analysis of Proposition "A." The Commission believed that the advantages of Proposition "A" outweighed the disadvantages. Findings and conclusions were also reached on Proposition "B" from those Commission members who supported this measure.
Links: View Report as PDF
October, 1976 – Formation of Canyon County (Policy)
Title: Formation of Canyon County (Policy)
Date: October 1976
Pages: 23
Summary: This report examined Proposition "F" which was on the November 1976 ballot. The measure proposed a triangular section in the northwest corner of Los Angeles County secede and form a new county called Canyon County. The report discussed the impact on residents of the proposed Canyon County, as well as Los Angeles County, the region, and the necessary correction to State law.
Links: View Report as PDF
December, 1976 – Operation of the West Los Angeles County Resource Conservation District (Operations)
Title: Operation of the West Los Angeles County Resource Conservation District (Operations)
Date: December 1976
Pages: 5
Summary: This publication is a letter to the Board of Directors of the West Los Angeles County Resource Conversation District regarding the future management of the district.
Links: View Report as PDF
February, 1977 – Recommendations on the Prevailing Wage Clause and the Automatic Salary Step Increase Plan (Policy)
Title: Recommendations on the Prevailing Wage Clause and the Automatic Salary Step Increase Plan (Policy)
Date: February 1977
Pages: 2
Summary: This letter recommended that the Board of Supervisors place a charter amendment on the ballot to delete the prevailing wage clause. It further recommended that the Board adopt a firm management objective to eliminate the County's automatic step increase plan. The Commission had called for the deletion of the prevailing wage clause since 1973.
Links: View Report as PDF
April, 1977 – Request for Legislation Providing for the Appointment of 34 Additional Superior Court Judges (Legislation)
Title: Request for Legislation Providing for the Appointment of 34 Additional Superior Court Judges (Legislation)
Date: April 1977
Pages: 7
Summary: The Superior Court requested the Board to appoint 34 additional judges. The Commission analyzed the request and recommended that the Board reject the Superior Court's request for the additional judges due to fiscal crisis and the increased costs. The report suggests the court seek to improve procedures and expedite cases in order to maintain expenditures at the present level.
Links: View Report as PDF
June, 1977 – The Los Angeles County Budget-Selected Issues and Recommendations (Operations)
Title: The Los Angeles County Budget-Selected Issues and Recommendations (Operations)
Date: June 1977
Pages: 62
Summary: The Commission studied three areas of public policy that have a significant impact on the County budget: Board control of County expenditures, policy impact on the budget, and major policy areas established by the Board.
Links: View Report as PDF
December, 1977 – Arbitration and Appeals Function of the Paramedic Commission (Legislation)
Title: Arbitration and Appeals Function of the Paramedic Commission (Legislation)
Date: December 1977
Pages: 4
Summary: This letter describes the difference of opinion between the Commission and the Department of Health Services as to the authority of the Commission's decisions. The Commission requested that the Board of Supervisors delegate the appropriate level of authority to carry out the Paramedic Commission's prescribed function. The Commission stated that the Board of Supervisors remains the sovereign body and the decisions remain appealable to them.
Links: View Report as PDF
Statement on Proposed County Charter Amendment
Title: Statement on Proposed County Charter Amendment "A" Deletion of the Prevailing Wage Clause (Legislation)
Date: April 1978
Pages: 4
Summary: The Commission supported this amendment, which would end the requirement that the County pay salaries or wages at least equal to those prevailing in the private sector. The Commission believed the prevailing wage clause to be outmoded making the County system restrictive and inequitable. By deleting the cause, County management and labor could reach agreements which are fair, competitive and within the taxpayers' ability to pay.
Links: View Report as PDF
April, 1978 – Statement on Proposition 13, the Jarvis-Gann Initiative (Legislation)
Title: Statement on Proposition 13, the Jarvis-Gann Initiative (Legislation)
Date: April 1978
Pages: 13
Summary: The Commission did not support this initiative. The Commission concluded that Proposition 13 would not achieve the tax relief and expenditure reform it claims, but instead would bring severe tax inequities, serious economic dislocations and government by the courts.
Links: View Report as PDF
May, 1978 – Impact of New County Formation (Organization)
Title: Impact of New County Formation (Organization)
Date: May 1978
Pages: 53
Summary: The Commission's report involved AB 333, legislation which would divide the County into two or more counties, and on the various secession movements now taking place or under consideration concerning Los Angeles County. This study contains conclusions and recommendation on the issue of secession. In the second part of the report, "Challenge For The 1980'S: Can We Govern Ourselves?", the Commission evaluates legislative division of the County, consolidation proposals and other alternatives.
Links: View Report as PDF
May, 1978 – Statement on Proposition 8 and Senate Bill 1, the Behr Bill (Legislation)
Title: Statement on Proposition 8 and Senate Bill 1, the Behr Bill (Legislation)
Date: May 1978
Pages: 4
Summary: The Commission supports Proposition 8, which would implement the property Tax Relief Act of 1978 (the Behr Bill). The Commission did an analysis on the proposition and the Behr Bill and concluded that Proposition 8 and the Behr Bill are responsible and effective measures.
Links: View Report as PDF
June, 1978 – Report on the Economy & Efficiency Commission (Commission)
Title: Report on the Economy & Efficiency Commission (Commission)
Date: June 1978
Pages: 18
Summary: Since its creation, the Commission has conducted 43 major reports, resulting in 201 recommendations of which, 159 were approved by the Board. Six County Charter amendments were approved by the voters. This report summarizes the contents of the Commission's reports and comments on the action taken.
Links: View Report as PDF
August, 1978 – Cost Reduction in Los Angeles County Government (Operations)
Title: Cost Reduction in Los Angeles County Government (Operations)
Date: August 1978
Pages: 16
Summary: This report contains seven recommendations directed toward reducing the cost of County government and improving its efficiency and effectiveness. The principal areas addressed are user fees, Sheriff-Marshal consolidation, automatic step increases, supervisory costs, craft wages and Commission stipends. The report states that if the recommendations were implemented effectively, County expenditures would be reduced by approximately $102 million dollars annually.
Links: View Report as PDF
Statement on County Proposition
Title: Statement on County Proposition "A" Contracting with Private Firms (Contracting)
Date: October 1978
Pages: 7
Summary: The Commission conducted an analysis of Proposition "A" which permits the County to contract for services with private firms when contracting would be more economical and efficient than using County employees. The Commission endorsed this measure. The measure improves accountability of County government and increases the cost-effectiveness and responsiveness of County government. The measure required the County to adopt an ordinance specifying criteria for entering into contracts and to use competitive bidding procedures for awarding contracts.
Links: View Report as PDF
January, 1979 – Challenge for the 1980's: Can We Govern Ourselves? (Policy)
Title: Challenge for the 1980's: Can We Govern Ourselves? (Policy)
Date: January 1979
Pages: 135
Summary: This report is an expansion of the Commission's previous study, Impact of New County Formation. This report expanded the analysis in a number of areas and modified conclusions previously made. The study is divided into four major sections: the current system of governments (in the Los Angeles metropolitan area and the problems which the present structure creates), alternative solutions (the procedures involved in changing the present structure, the parties involved in making changes), the proposed structure, and Commission recommendations. The Commission proposed a federated system of government consisting of community based city governments to provide local government services and regional government to address area-wide problems. This proposal would also provide consolidated services to cities upon request.
Links: View Report as PDF
February , 1980 – Proposition 13 in Los Angeles County - Before and After (Legislation)
Title: Proposition 13 in Los Angeles County - Before and After (Legislation)
Date: February 1980
Pages: 87
Summary: The objective of the Commission's report was to review the actions taken by County government since 1976 in response to community pressure for cost reduction and the effects of those actions both before and after Proposition 13. The report concluded, that the radical cost reductions envisioned by Howard Jarvis and his supporters cannot be accomplished within the framework of current intergovernmental structure and policy. Cost reduction of sufficient magnitude will require re-evaluation of public policy and change of the intergovernmental structure. The report also documents the severe financial effects Proposition 13 has had on County government.
Links: View Report as PDF
June, 1980 – Attachment B - Report on the Economy & Efficiency Commission (Commission)
Title: Attachment B - Report on the Economy & Efficiency Commission (Commission)
Date: June 1980
Pages: 22
Summary: This report describes the Commission's operation, reports and recommendations (47 major reports resulting in 215 recommendations, of which 172 were approved by the Board of Supervisors), and gives a brief synopsis of the Commission's reports and implementation of recommendations.
Links: View Report as PDF
July, 1980 – Selected Current Civil Service Issues (Policy)
Title: Selected Current Civil Service Issues (Policy)
Date: July 1980
Pages: 70
Summary: This report is the first in a series of subjects on the employment system and organizational development. The Board referred a report by Local 660 of SEIU along with recommendations to the Commission which alleged that the Civil Service Commission operates ineffectively. The Commission report addressed new civil service rules and operations of the Civil Service Commission. While the report does not contain a complete analysis of the details in the proposed new rules, it reflects final conclusions and recommendations on those issues closely connected to effective management and incentives.
Links: View Report as PDF
October, 1981 – Report on the Court System - Los Angeles County - Vol 1 - Report (Courts)
Title: Report on the Court System - Los Angeles County - Vol 1 - Report (Courts)
Date: October 1981
Pages: 89
Summary: The Commission was directed to conduct an analysis of court congestion and delay. The Commission noted that the main issues were: to find ways to increase court system resources, increase coordination between the Board and the judiciary in seeking local initiatives to reduce costs, improve cost control, and develop alternatives to present methods of resource allocation. Recommendations are made under five categories: joint action-judiciary and the Board of Supervisors, system financing, system structure, economic incentives and legal procedures.
Links: View Report as PDF
October, 1981 – Report on the Court System - Los Angeles County - Vol 2 - Summary (Courts)
Title: Report on the Court System - Los Angeles County - Vol 2 - Summary (Courts)
Date: October 1981
Pages: 89
Summary: The Summary Volume was prepared later than the report volume (Vol 1). Readers who note differences of language or other detail should refer to the Summary for the final determination. The synopsis from Volume 1 was that the Commission was directed to conduct an analysis of court congestion and delay. The Commission noted that the main issues were: to find ways to increase court system resources, increase coordination between the Board and the judiciary in seeking local initiatives to reduce costs, improve cost control, and develop alternatives to present methods of resource allocation. Recommendations are made under five categories: joint action-judiciary and the Board of Supervisors, system financing, system structure, economic incentives and legal procedures.
Links: View Report as PDF
December, 1981 – Materials Management and Inventory Control (Operations)
Title: Materials Management and Inventory Control (Operations)
Date: December 1981
Pages: 5
Summary: The Commission conducted a thorough investigation of the County's current system and financial operations in the areas of materials management and the security of equipment and supplies. This investigation resulted in the development of recommendations addressing the improvement of strategies, policy enforcement, project planning, and systems development.
Links: View Report as PDF
January, 1982 – Inventory and Materials Management (Real Asset Management)
Title: Inventory and Materials Management (Real Asset Management)
Date: January 1982
Pages: 5
Summary: The Commission reviewed the County's system of inventory control and materials management to determine what changes would reduce losses of equipment and supplies while controlling County susceptibility to theft or other sources of loss. The report recommends that each department head enforce compliance with current procedures. The Chief Administrative Officer should continue to initiate planning efforts in regard to warehousing and inventory control systems with the Purchasing Agent and the Department of Data Processing.
Links: View Report as PDF
May, 1982 – Status of Economy and Efficiency Commission Recommendations on Court System (Courts)
Title: Status of Economy and Efficiency Commission Recommendations on Court System (Courts)
Date: May 1982
Pages: 4
Summary: This letter addresses the overall implementation status of the 15 recommendations made in the Commission's October 1981 report on the court system dealing with congestion in the court system. The conclusion was that county management should collaborate with the Superior Court in developing a revenue program and in presenting it to the Legislature.
Links: View Report as PDF
June, 1982 – Status of Economy and Efficiency Commission Recommendations on Court System - REVISED (Courts)
Title: Status of Economy and Efficiency Commission Recommendations on Court System - REVISED (Courts)
Date: June 1982
Pages: 14
Summary: This report expands upon the presentation made in the May 1982 report on the Status of the Court System. It presents further information on the status of each of the 15 recommendations that were made in October 1981 and concludes by announcing its intention to work on organizing a coalition of Superior Court, Municipal Court, County, and Bar personnel to prepare detailed implementation plans for each of the recommendations.
Links: View Report as PDF
June, 1982 – Mechanical Department (Organization)
Title: Mechanical Department (Organization)
Date: June 1982
Pages: 14
Summary: The Economy and Efficiency Commission worked with the Chief Administrative Officer in monitoring the implementation of past recommendations to improve operations of the Mechanical Department. The report states that the Department is over audited and recommended that the Board cease additional audits for at least 18 months, to give the department time to plan, organize and accomplish the implementation of recommended improvements. It also recommended that the Board and department head place top priority on the effective use of current controls and management information systems, rather than on new systems development or applications of contemporary systems technology.
Links: View Report as PDF
June, 1983 – Decision Making And Organization - Los Angeles County Government - Volume I (Operations)
Title: Decision Making And Organization - Los Angeles County Government - Volume I (Operations)
Date: June 1983
Pages: 15
Summary: The Commission investigated the feasibility of consolidating County departments. Volume I contains a summary of proposed programs. The study proposed changes in the roles and expectations of the Chief Administrative Office, which will improve the Board's ability to plan for and respond to changing conditions affecting the County's governance and service functions. The report recommends reducing the number of separate County departments by consolidating and reorganizing programs into a system of 15 to 20 departments. A four year program was also proposed to restructure the system.
Links: View Report as PDF
June, 1983 – Decision Making And Organization - Los Angeles County Government - Volume II (Operations)
Title: Decision Making And Organization - Los Angeles County Government - Volume II (Operations)
Date: June 1983
Pages: 212
Summary: Volume II contains an expanded summary of conclusions and recommendations, followed by a detailed description of the current structure, its problems, major alternatives for reform, and the Commission's preferences. The subject of this report is the executive organization of Los Angeles County government. It discusses problems of County performance which are attributable to its executive structure and decision-making processes. The feasible approaches to resolving those problems were evaluated, and the Commission recommend that the Board adopt policy objectives directed to resolving those problems. The Commission also proposed a strategy for improving the performance of the County system.
Links: View Report as PDF
June, 1983 – Decision Making And Organization - Los Angeles County Government - Volume III (Operations)
Title: Decision Making And Organization - Los Angeles County Government - Volume III (Operations)
Date: June 1983
Pages: 94
Summary: Volume III is the report of the field study team from the UCLA Graduate School of Management. The economic impacts of reorganizing the seven general services departments into a single consolidated entity are examined. The report finds that there are substantive economies of scale possible through consolidation.
Links: View Report as PDF
October, 1984 – Security Systems in Los Angeles County Government (Security)
Title: Security Systems in Los Angeles County Government (Security)
Date: October 1984
Pages: 70
Summary: The Commission analyzed the possibility of consolidating all security functions throughout the various departments in order to coordinate security functions. The Commission evaluated the County's existing security program from two perspectives: effectiveness and efficiency. In the absence of standards for effectiveness and of comparative data on success, the Commission focused its analysis on the questions of efficient management systems. There is evidence of problems in the delivery of security services. The Commission's central conclusion is that the problems are attributable to the absence of standards.
Links: View Report as PDF | View Background Report as PDF
April, 1985 – Facilities Management Department Organizational and Development Study (Organization)
Title: Facilities Management Department Organizational and Development Study (Organization)
Date: April 1985
Pages: 45
Summary: This report contains recommendations for phased-in development of the overall organizational structure that was required for the Facilities Management Department to succeed. That department had been formed through consolidation of several departments, based on Economy and Efficiency Commission recommendations. The major issues covered are affirmative action, training and development, management style, delivery of service, mission and organizational structure.
Links: View Report as PDF
June, 1985 – Medical Examiner / Coroner (Organization)
Title: Medical Examiner / Coroner (Organization)
Date: June 1985
Pages: 4
Summary: The Board instructed the Chief Administrative Officer and the Commission to review the study by Carol Beck, et al, Morale and Motivation in the County Morgue and to make short-term and long-term recommendations. The report stated that the Medical Examiner had taken actions to relieve the deterioration in morale that occurred following reorganization. The Commission's report makes three recommendations. The first that the Los Angeles County's Medical Association and Bar Association request their appropriate committees to investigate public policy on transplants and tissue harvesting. The second to recommend actions, as appropriate, to local governments and the Legislature. The third was to suggest that the Medical Examiner consider alternative means to decentralize autopsy and related functions, using the resources of County or other hospitals within the region.
Links: View Report as PDF
December, 1985 – Implementation of County Reorganization and Systems Improvements (Operations)
Title: Implementation of County Reorganization and Systems Improvements (Operations)
Date: December 1985
Pages: 14
Summary: The Commission's letter to the Board concerns the progress of the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) in implementing the recommendations of the Commission study, Decision-Making and Organization - Los Angeles County Government - Volume I. The letter recommended that the Board adjust the priority of implementation of the Commission's 1983 recommendations, and that the CAO should have a systematic plan and approach to county-wide management issues and systems each year.
Links: View Report as PDF
May, 1986 – Implementation of County Reorganization and Systems Improvements (Follow-up) (Operations)
Title: Implementation of County Reorganization and Systems Improvements (Follow-up) (Operations)
Date: May 1986
Pages: 1
Summary: This letter is a follow-up to the report issued in June 1986. It discusses the actions taken by the Commission since the issuance of the report and makes further recommendations.
Links: View Report as PDF
June, 1986 – Implementation of County Reorganization and Systems Improvements: Agricultural Commissioner/Weights and Measures (Operations)
Title: Implementation of County Reorganization and Systems Improvements: Agricultural Commissioner/Weights and Measures (Operations)
Date: June 1986
Pages: 11
Summary: This letter to the Board reviewed the results of the consolidation of the Department of Weights and Measures with the Agricultural Commissioner following the Commission study, "Decision-Making and Organization in Los Angeles County Government-Volume I". The letter discussed the improved efficiency of fee collection, reduction of management positions, improvement of personnel management, increased automation, cross-training of inspectors and productivity improvements. The letter also recommends that the Board direct the Agricultural Commissioner and the Chief Administrative Officer to develop and implement a plan for reorganization and training, and to establish annual goals for efficiency and effectiveness.
Links: View Report as PDF
July, 1986 – Hearing Procedures of Regional Planning (Operations)
Title: Hearing Procedures of Regional Planning (Operations)
Date: July 1986
Pages: 2
Summary: The Board modified the case processing procedures of the Regional Planning Commission to permit certain cases to be considered by a hearing officer employed by the Department of Regional Planning rather than by the Regional Planning Commission. In its report, the Economy & Efficiency Commission discusses the effectiveness of the new procedures. The Commission concludes that the hearing officer system was a sound improvement over the prior method of hearing cases. The Commission recommends that the Board continue the case processing procedures and direct the Director of Regional Planning to work with the Commission to increase the scope and rate of deliberations on County-wide planning and policy issues.
Links: View Report as PDF
August, 1986 – Implementation of Commission Recommendations Concerning Security Systems (Security)
Title: Implementation of Commission Recommendations Concerning Security Systems (Security)
Date: August 1986
Pages: 4
Summary: The Commission's letter to the Board considers the County's utilization of a full time professional security consultant and the progress which the County has made in implementing the recommendations of the Commission report, "Security Systems in Los Angeles County Government." The Commission concluded that the program is working as intended and that there has been an increase of cooperative efforts among County departments to meet security needs which require immediate attention. This is primarily true within the courthouse facilities. A resource library was established with information on vendors and prices of security equipment and services, review procedures have been implemented, and interdepartmental planning efforts, such as the Civic Center Security Committee and the Committee of Departmental Security Chiefs, have been revitalized.
Links: View Report as PDF
December, 1986 – Property Management in Los Angeles County Government (Real Asset Management)
Title: Property Management in Los Angeles County Government (Real Asset Management)
Date: December 1986
Pages: 56
Summary: This report is the third in a series reviewing the County's progress in implementing the overall program as adopted by the Board concerning the recommendations made in the Commission report, "Decision-Making and Organization - Los Angeles County Government - Volume I". The first section of the report contains a summary of findings and recommendations. The second section contains a discussion of the costs of the County's property management functions, their structure, and the need for change. The third section contains a detailed discussion of the progress to date in implementing the Board's 1984 order to create a consolidated Department of Facilities Management.
Links: View Report as PDF
August, 1987 – Report on Contracting Policy in Los Angeles County Government (Contracting)
Title: Report on Contracting Policy in Los Angeles County Government (Contracting)
Date: August 1987
Pages: 154
Summary: This report recommended that the Board direct the Chief Administrative Officer to develop and implement new contracting goals and programs; work with department heads to revise the County's approaches to writing requests for proposals; develop and implement improved methods of managing employee impact to achieve maximum savings from contracting; consolidate some incentive programs into a comprehensive program; and implement a single policy governing all forms of County contracting.
Links: View Report as PDF
June, 1988 – Report on Children's Social Services in Los Angeles County - Volume I (Organization)
Title: Report on Children's Social Services in Los Angeles County - Volume I (Organization)
Date: June 1988
Pages: 60
Summary: Volume I of this report summarizes the Commission's recommendations to improve services. The report recommended that the Board: reorganize the County departmental structure for delivering protective services; reorganize the system of multi-jurisdictional councils working in fields affecting children's welfare; specify by ordinance the scope and role of the Children's Advisory Commission; focus accountability for the results of County social services for children and families in a single individual; and, curtail the potential for future actions which might tend to increase fragmentation, duplication, or confusion.
Links: View Report as PDF
June, 1988 – Report on Children's Social Services in Los Angeles County - Volume II (Organization)
Title: Report on Children's Social Services in Los Angeles County - Volume II (Organization)
Date: June 1988
Pages: 110
Summary: Contains various working papers, data and other materials that the task force reviewed in the course of preparing Volume I of this report.
Links: View Report as PDF
August, 1988 – A Letter to the Board Concerning Preliminary Recommendations to County Organization Study (Organization)
Title: A Letter to the Board Concerning Preliminary Recommendations to County Organization Study (Organization)
Date: August 1988
Pages: 3
Summary: Prior to the submission of the final report "A Joint Organizational and Process Study of the Department of Beaches and Harbors, Parks and Recreation, Public Library and Facilities Managment Department" in October 1988, 6 recommendations for Board action were developed. These recommendations were designed to facilitate the Commission's restructuring review of the roles and functions of the County's organizational structure.
Links: View Report as PDF
October, 1988 – Adopted Contracting Policies (Contracting)
Title: Adopted Contracting Policies (Contracting)
Date: October 1988
Pages: 2
Summary: This is a letter to the Board of Supervisors informing them as to the status of the implementation of the recommended contracting policies.
Links: View Report as PDF
October, 1988 – A Joint Organizational and Process Study of The Department of Beaches and Harbors, Parks and Recreation, Public Library and Facilities Management Department (Organization)
Title: A Joint Organizational and Process Study of The Department of Beaches and Harbors, Parks and Recreation, Public Library and Facilities Management Department (Organization)
Date: October 1988
Pages: 64
Summary: As a result of the Board's interest in reducing the number of departments reporting to it, and the Commission's earlier suggestion that current department head vacancies might provide opportunities for reorganization, the Board authorized a joint project between the Commission and several departments to undertake a study of those departments. (A study that was conducted by HRS Associates as a supplement to this report has been included as a link below.)
Links: View Report as PDF | View Background Report as PDF
December , 1988 – Role of the Chief Administrative Office And Asset Management in Los Angeles County (Organization)
Title: Role of the Chief Administrative Office And Asset Management in Los Angeles County (Organization)
Date: December 1988
Pages: 94
Summary: The Commission evaluates the status of its reorganization programs, with attention to its recent actions affecting the role of the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), current vacancies in department head positions, and the status of system development. The Commission recommended that the Board: separate the operational responsibility for Facilities Management, Communications, Purchasing and Stores, Data Processing and Asset Development from the CAO's Office; create an Internal Services Department by merging the departments in recommendation one, and appoint a single director to manage the centralized functions; and, consolidate the Department of Beaches and the Department of Parks and Recreation.
Links: View Report as PDF
December , 1988 – Role of the Chief Administrative Officer Departmental Structure of the County (Organization)
Title: Role of the Chief Administrative Officer Departmental Structure of the County (Organization)
Date: December 1988
Pages: 6
Summary: The Commission reported on the opportunities for further consolidation of departments within the County, the effectiveness of any consolidation and the role of the Chief Administrative Officer. (This report further develops and refines the restructuring recommendations made by the Commission and adopted by the Board in 1983.) The recommendations were to separate several functions from the Chief Administrative Office, create an Internal Services Department, and consolidate the Department of Beaches and Harbors with the Department of Parks and Recreation.
Links: View Report as PDF
February, 1989 – Family Services in Los Angeles County Government - Volume I (Organization)
Title: Family Services in Los Angeles County Government - Volume I (Organization)
Date: February 1989
Pages: 90
Summary: This study reviewed various organizations created by Los Angeles County to address the increasing needs of children, first studied in the Commission's, Report on Children's Social Services in Los Angeles County, Vol. I. The study recommends that the Board: improve the structure of the departmental service delivery system for social services, and, consolidate the staffing of the Child Sex Abuse Crisis Center Executive Board, the County-wide Criminal Justice Coordination Committee, the Domestic Violence Council, the Inter-Agency Council, and the Task Force on Drug Abuse into a unified staffing structure that reports within the Chief Administrative Office (CAO). Regarding commissions, the study recommends procedures to minimize the creation of additional commissions, enforce establishment of reporting requirements and sunset dates, and when appropriate, provide briefings by the CAO for all new citizens commissioners. Annual reports by the CAO should be provided to commissioners presenting the state of the County and actions attributable to each commission's recommendations.
Links: View Report as PDF
February, 1989 – Family Services in Los Angeles County Government - Volume II (Organization)
Title: Family Services in Los Angeles County Government - Volume II (Organization)
Date: February 1989
Pages: 305
Summary: Contains working papers and reference material that were used during the preparation of the Family Services in Los Angeles County Government, Vol. I.
Links: View Report as PDF
July, 1990 – Report on the Executive Structure of Los Angeles County Government (Organization)
Title: Report on the Executive Structure of Los Angeles County Government (Organization)
Date: July 1990
Pages: 62
Summary: This report reviews the Charter Amendments for the November, 1990 ballot. The Commission recommends that the Board submit a Charter amendment to the voters at the November 1990 election, creating the position of County Manager and restructuring the duties of County officials; and, that the Board place a Charter amendment at the same general election to provide for the employment and compensation of the County Manager and Department Managers (except in departments headed by elected officials) as employees in the unclassified services. Note: accompanying 10 page board letter is attached to the end of this report.
Links: View Report as PDF
July, 1990 – The Position of Deputy to the County Executive (Organization)
Title: The Position of Deputy to the County Executive (Organization)
Date: July 1990
Pages: 1
Summary: The Commission
Links: View Report as PDF
August, 1990 – Ordinance Amending Chapter 3.08 of the Los Angeles County Code Regarding the Commission for Children's Services (Organization)
Title: Ordinance Amending Chapter 3.08 of the Los Angeles County Code Regarding the Commission for Children's Services (Organization)
Date: August 1990
Pages: 3
Summary: In this letter the Economy and Efficiency Commission reviewed the proposed Ordinance No. 84-0070, creating and continuing the Commission for Children. It recommends that the Board of Supervisors include in this ordinance detailed provisions for the voluntary flow of information from County organizations to the Commission.
Links: View Report as PDF
October, 1990 – Security Systems in Los Angeles County Government (Security)
Title: Security Systems in Los Angeles County Government (Security)
Date: October 1990
Pages: 20
Summary: The Commission, in consultation with the Sheriff and the Director of ISD, studied the County's security systems. The purpose was to better coordinate the County's security operations, and to implement an integrated County-wide security system. The report recommended that the Board establish and fund the office of County Security Program Management assigned to the CAO. The office should be staffed by security professionals. The lead position should have management experience in the security profession. The Board should direct the CAO and the County Security Program Manager to perform six outlined tasks in the study within 12 months of the manager's appointment.
Links: View Report as PDF
April, 1991 – Implementation of Security Systems Recommendations (Security)
Title: Implementation of Security Systems Recommendations (Security)
Date: April 1991
Pages: 2
Summary: The Commission, was directed to report back to the Board on the status of the recommendations made in the October 1990 Security Report. Although the Commission believes the new County Security Office is off to a good start in addressing the recommendations that were approved, there is still much to accomplish.
Links: View Report as PDF
June, 1991 – Report of the Task Force on Sunset Alternatives (Commission)
Title: Report of the Task Force on Sunset Alternatives (Commission)
Date: June 1991
Pages: 37
Summary: As a result of the Chief Administrative Office (CAO) guidelines for County Committees and Commissions, the Economy & Efficiency Commission recommended a sunset review date and included a study of its operations. The report reviewed the mission of the Commission, its effectiveness, and its recommendation to continue its operations. The report recommended that the Board continue the Commission as constituted with defined mission and roles. The Commission should adopt and observe methods of controlling its priorities. The report urged the Board to provide the Commission with staff and a budget to support its efforts.
Links: View Report as PDF
July, 1991 – Contracting Task Force Report and Recommendations (Contracting)
Title: Contracting Task Force Report and Recommendations (Contracting)
Date: July 1991
Pages: 23
Summary: This report expands upon the findings made in the 1987 "Report on Contracting Policy in Los Angeles County Government" by recognizing that any contracting of services performed by employees would have a major impact on positions held by minorities and women. The report concluded that this is a valid finding since the services contracted out up to that time involved low level auxiliary minority held positions such as custodial, food, and laundry workers. The report makes recommendations to mitigate the potential negative impacts of contracting.
Links: View Report as PDF
August, 1991 – Real Property Management & Development in Los Angeles County (Real Asset Management)
Title: Real Property Management & Development in Los Angeles County (Real Asset Management)
Date: August 1991
Pages: 64
Summary: The Commission reviewed Los Angeles County's management of its real property assets. Los Angeles County is a leader in developing its most valuable real property assets to produce additional revenue. However, improvements can be made by adopting a more comprehensive system which clearly states the Board's objectives and, by applying economic incentives to improve management of its other real property assets. This report recommends the adoption and issuance of a policy statement for a comprehensive real property management program; and, the establishment of a Real Property Management Steering Committee.
Links: View Report as PDF
August, 1991 – Recommendations for The Internal Services Department (ISD) (Organization)
Title: Recommendations for The Internal Services Department (ISD) (Organization)
Date: August 1991
Pages: 7
Summary: This letter was prepared in response to the Board's instruction to the Commission to reexamine the Board's policy controlling the funding of the Internal Services Department (ISD). The Commission recommended continuance of the existing policy of funding ISD through payments of those using its services.
Links: View Report as PDF | View Background Report as PDF
October, 1991 – Letter Recommending Action on recommendations made in the Real Property Management and Development in Los Angeles County Report. (Operations)
Title: Letter Recommending Action on recommendations made in the Real Property Management and Development in Los Angeles County Report. (Operations)
Date: October 1991
Pages: 8
Summary: This letter was prepared to summarize and transmit the recommendations made in the Real Property Management and Development in Los Angeles County Report.
Links: View Report as PDF
November, 1991 – Letter Clarifying a Recommendation on Civil Service Rules Made in the Report on the ISD, (August 1991) (Organization)
Title: Letter Clarifying a Recommendation on Civil Service Rules Made in the Report on the ISD, (August 1991) (Organization)
Date: November 1991
Pages: 1
Summary: This letter provides further clarification to the Board concerning the Commission's recommendation to re-examine Civil Service Rules.
Links: View Report as PDF
December, 1991 – Implementation of Security Systems Recommendations (Security)
Title: Implementation of Security Systems Recommendations (Security)
Date: December 1991
Pages: 3
Summary: The Commission, was directed to report back to the Board on the status of the recommendations made in the October 1990 Security Report. This is the second report to the Board on the implementation progress. The Commission felt that substantial progress had been made on the implementation of the recommendations and that the overall awareness of security issues within the County had been raised.
Links: View Report as PDF
January, 1992 – Letter Clarifying Report on Real Property Management and Development in Los Angeles County. (Operations)
Title: Letter Clarifying Report on Real Property Management and Development in Los Angeles County. (Operations)
Date: January 1992
Pages: 2
Summary: This letter recommends action on recommendations made in the Real Property Management and Development in Los Angeles County Report.
Links: View Report as PDF
May, 1992 – Civil Disturbance (Policy)
Title: Civil Disturbance (Policy)
Date: May 1992
Pages: 2
Summary: A letter to the Board recommended actions that the Board can take, in terms of government operations, to deal with the root causes of the civil disturbances and to ensure that an outbreak of violence does not recur.
Links: View Report as PDF | View Background Report as PDF
July, 1992 – Independent Counsel Opinion on the Inclusion of Certain Items of Remuneration in Pensionable Compensation (Policy)
Title: Independent Counsel Opinion on the Inclusion of Certain Items of Remuneration in Pensionable Compensation (Policy)
Date: July 1992
Pages: 3
Summary: This is a transmittal of a legal opinion obtained by the Economy and Efficiency Commission concerning the question of what constitutes compensation for retirement purposes, as well as the same issue within SB 193.
Links: View Report as PDF
July, 1992 – Public Access to Decision Making - Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors (Policy)
Title: Public Access to Decision Making - Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors (Policy)
Date: July 1992
Pages: 37
Summary: This report was designed to improve the ability of the citizens of Los Angeles County to understand and access the workings of County government. Recommendations address concerns such as, the inadequate notice of the issues to be considered by the Board, the difficulty in understanding the proceedings and clarifying decisions that have been made at Board meetings. The report concludes that the Board staff fulfills the present legal access requirements but that these requirements are not sufficient to ensure the public's ready access to government's decision making.
Links: View Report as PDF | View Report as PDF
August, 1992 – Letter to Board Recommending Action on Pension System
Title: Letter to Board Recommending Action on Pension System
Date: August 1992
Pages: 2
Summary: This letter recommends that the Board of Supervisors take interim action to avoid incurring additional pension liability and that County Counsel provide appropriate legal advice to implement those changes.
Links: View Report as PDF
September, 1992 – Letter to Board Summarizing Independent Legal Counsel Opinion
Title: Letter to Board Summarizing Independent Legal Counsel Opinion
Date: September 1992
Pages: 2
Summary: This letter summarizes for the Board of Supervisors the independent legal counsel opinion on what constitutes compensation earnable for retirement purposes.
Links: View Report as PDF
November, 1992 – Los Angeles County Policies and Practices Governing Retirement Eligible Benefits (Operations)
Title: Los Angeles County Policies and Practices Governing Retirement Eligible Benefits (Operations)
Date: November 1992
Pages: 48
Summary: This study applies material presented in an evaluation prepared by W.F. Corroon, entitled: Comparability Analysis of Los Angeles County Employees' Retirement Benefits, a copy of which is included as a link below. It considers issues pertaining to the decision-making process of retirement system design, the appropriateness of the inclusion of a number of specific items within the current benefit structure, the operation of the entire retirement system. A follow-on report was requested by the Board of Supervisors to be completed in 1993.
Links: View Report as PDF | View Background Report as PDF
February, 1993 – Letter Offering Legal Advice on the Los Angeles County Pension System (Operations)
Title: Letter Offering Legal Advice on the Los Angeles County Pension System (Operations)
Date: February 1993
Pages: 1
Summary: This letter offers the Board of Supervisors to provide counsel on a matter pertaining to the pension system to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest by the County Counsel
Links: View Report as PDF
March, 1993 – 1992 Annual Report - Citizens' Economy and Efficiency Commission of Los Angeles County (Commission)
Title: 1992 Annual Report - Citizens' Economy and Efficiency Commission of Los Angeles County (Commission)
Date: March 1993
Pages: 15
Summary: This report summarized Commission activities for 1992, an extremely active year. The Commission hired a new executive director, published in-depth reports on real property management and development, public access to decision-making, policies governing retirement benefits, and one minor report on the civil disturbance. Plans were laid for work on studies of liability and risk management, a pension follow-up study, Proposition A, Department of Health Services overhaul, County budget and economic growth, and other areas.
Links: View Report as PDF
March, 1993 – Synopsis of Publications 1965-1992, Citizens' Economy and Efficiency Commission (Commission)
Title: Synopsis of Publications 1965-1992, Citizens' Economy and Efficiency Commission (Commission)
Date: March 1993
Pages: 16
Summary: This report catalogued and summarized Commission publications since its inception in 1965. It listed 100 publications which included 81 classified as reports, 12 as letters and 7 as position papers. 70 had been initiated by the Board of Supervisors and 30 by the Commission.
Links: View Report as PDF
April, 1993 – A letter to the Board concerning the status of the Implementation of Security Systems Recommendations (Security)
Title: A letter to the Board concerning the status of the Implementation of Security Systems Recommendations (Security)
Date: April 1993
Pages: 4
Summary: As part of its follow-up on security issues the Commission reviewed the past activities int his area. The Commission concluded that if security is not given priority, the entire system will remain fragmented and inefficient. It appeared that there were a number of security issues that required reexamination.
Links: View Report as PDF
May, 1993 – County Budget and Economic Growth (Legislation)
Title: County Budget and Economic Growth (Legislation)
Date: May 1993
Pages: 9
Summary: This letter from the Economy and Efficiency Commission to the Board of Supervisors sets forth various means to improving the economic environment through growth, rather than by increasing revenue from additional taxes. These alternatives include workers' compensation insurance reform, civil litigation reform and permit streamlining, specifically in environmental regulation. The Commission recommended that the Board support identified pending state legislation and offered a strategy to address relevant issues. The Board passed a motion in May, 1993 urging the Governor and legislative leaders and conferees to agree to strong and meaningful reforms.
Links: View Report as PDF | View Background Report as PDF
A Review of Actions Taken by Los Angeles County on Proposition
Title: A Review of Actions Taken by Los Angeles County on Proposition "A" Contracting Requirements (Contracting)
Date: June 1993
Pages: 40
Summary: The Board of Supervisors requested that the Commission review and report on County Proposition "A" contracting guidelines. The Commission reviewed implementing instructions issued by the Chief Administrative Officer to ascertain their impact on the contract evaluation process. In addition, the study contributes to the process of evaluating both contractor and County management performance.
Links: View Report as PDF
September, 1993 – Counsel Opinion on Deferred Compensation
Title: Counsel Opinion on Deferred Compensation
Date: September 1993
Pages: 7
Summary: This is a transmittal of a independent legal opinion on deferred compensation within the County.
Links: View Report as PDF
September, 1993 – A Strategy to Reduce Retirement Costs Within Los Angeles County (Operations)
Title: A Strategy to Reduce Retirement Costs Within Los Angeles County (Operations)
Date: September 1993
Pages: 19
Summary: This study examines the viability of measures to cap or reduce the County's liability to the pension system. This is achieved by freezing or reducing the cash available option in cafeteria style flexible benefit plans. The Commission report makes recommendations to revise pension procedures, and reviews alternatives. It recommends an examination of the County's cafeteria benefit plans to achieve improvements enhancing equity, and reducing costs without reducing the employee's ability to obtain adequate benefits, or the County's ability to attract and retain qualified personnel. This study is supported by a W.F. Corroon, Inc. study, entitled "Development of Los Angeles County Cafeteria Plan Design Strategies to Reduce Retirement Costs" which incorporates a legal opinion prepared by independent counsel. (A copy of this background report has been included as a link below.)
Links: View Report as PDF | View Background Report as PDF
September, 1993 – McGladrey and Pullen Risk Management Study
Title: McGladrey and Pullen Risk Management Study
Date: September 1993
Pages: 8
Summary: This report was prepared by McGladrey and Pullen for the Economy and Efficiency Commission. It studies the risk management liability costs within Los Angeles County and was used in further studies of the risk management system by the Commission.
Links: View Report as PDF
September, 1993 – Los Angeles County Risk Management Program Review (Risk Management)
Title: Los Angeles County Risk Management Program Review (Risk Management)
Date: September 1993
Pages: 19
Summary: This study offers a set of recommendations designed to achieve millions of dollars of cost savings in the risk management program of the County of Los Angeles. The results of this study identified revisions and modifications to program elements that would achieve significant efficiency and cost improvements. This study was supported by work contracted on this topic from McGladrey & Pullen, Inc. (Link below)
Links: View Report as PDF | View Report as PDF
March, 1994 – 1993 Annual Report - the Citizens' Economy and Efficiency Commission of Los Angeles County (Commission)
Title: 1993 Annual Report - the Citizens' Economy and Efficiency Commission of Los Angeles County (Commission)
Date: March 1994
Pages: 19
Summary: This report summarized the Commission's actions in 1993, concluding that it was one of its most productive years on record. In addition to several administrative achievements, the Commission completed a report on pension restructuring, managed and supported the development of an independent counsel opinion and completed two other major studies within budget.
Links: View Report as PDF
March, 1994 – A Model to Evaluate the Performance & Objectives of Los Angeles County Commissions, Committees & Task Forces (Operations)
Title: A Model to Evaluate the Performance & Objectives of Los Angeles County Commissions, Committees & Task Forces (Operations)
Date: March 1994
Pages: 9
Summary: This report was undertaken in response to a request by the Board of Supervisors to evaluate the performance and objectives of the commissions, committees and task forces defined under Chapter 1 and Chapter 4 or the Los Angeles County Committee Book. The report presents the requested methodology and ten recommendations the Commission feels will significantly improve the manner in which these entities are created and structured, and how they operate.
Links: View Report as PDF
June, 1994 – Synopsis of Publications 1965-1993, Citizens' Economy and Efficiency Commission (Commission)
Title: Synopsis of Publications 1965-1993, Citizens' Economy and Efficiency Commission (Commission)
Date: June 1994
Pages: 16
Summary: This report catalogued and summarized Commission publications since its inception in 1965. It lists 104 publications which included 79 classified as reports, 5 as studies, 13 as letters and 7 as position papers. 71 had been initiated by the Board of Supervisors and 33 by the Commission.
Links: View Report as PDF
December, 1994 – The Management of Juries Within Los Angeles County (Courts)
Title: The Management of Juries Within Los Angeles County (Courts)
Date: December 1994
Pages: 46
Summary: This report identified the concerns of the citizens of the County in their performance of jury duty. It outlines the Commission's position that the performance of this duty is critical to our system of justice and the Courts. The County must ensure that anyone performing such a service is treated with the utmost respect and provided adequate facilities to fulfill this responsibility. It includes 36 recommendations designed to foster appreciation of jurors. Without improvements to the system, fewer and fewer citizens will be willing to perform this vital duty. This action would be to the detriment of the justice system and those who fulfill this duty.
Links: View Report as PDF | View Background Report as PDF
March, 1995 – Legislative Reform: Addressing Critical Economic Issues (Legislation)
Title: Legislative Reform: Addressing Critical Economic Issues (Legislation)
Date: March 1995
Pages: 18
Summary: This update on a 1993 report offers recommendations designed to improve the County and the State's business climate through sound legislative reform without the imposition of unnecessary taxes on Californians or California businesses. As in the previous report, this follow-up targets workers' compensation, civil litigation, and regulatory reform. Daily overtime pay requirements is an additional issue explored in this report.
Links: View Report as PDF
April, 1995 – Analysis of the Collections and Collection-Based Activities of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (Organization)
Title: Validity of the Joint Salary Survey of March 1, 1965 (Policy)
Date: June 1965
Pages: 3
Summary: The Commission
Links: View Report as PDF | View Background Report as PDF
May, 1995 – Risk Management and Liability Cost Study Follow-Up (Risk Management)
Title: Risk Management and Liability Cost Study Follow-Up (Risk Management)
Date: May 1995
Pages: 29
Summary: A follow-up to a 1993 study, this report reviews documentation obtained from other County agencies regarding the implementation of recommendations made in that earlier study. In this report, 14 additional recommendations are offered to improve program efficiency and reduce County costs.
Links: View Report as PDF | View Background Report as PDF
June, 1995 – Review of the Proposed Restructuring of the Internal Services Department (Organization)
Title: Review of the Proposed Restructuring of the Internal Services Department (Organization)
Date: June 1995
Pages: 44
Summary: This report considers the current operations of the Internal Services Department (ISD) in light of recommendations made by the Chief Administrative Office and provides the Board of Supervisors with an analysis of the appropriateness of the recommendations being proposed. Where the Commission felt it necessary, alternative or additional recommendations were made to increase the effectiveness of the department and the County organizational structure. Emphasis is placed on the most appropriate structure with which to accomplish the functions currently assigned to ISD.
Links: View Report as PDF | View Background Report as PDF
August, 1995 – Report on The Consolidation of The Department of Health Services Human Resources Function With The Department of Human Resources (Organization)
Title: Report on The Consolidation of The Department of Health Services Human Resources Function With The Department of Human Resources (Organization)
Date: August 1995
Pages: 32
Summary: This report presents a discussion of the Commission's position on the appropriateness of actions proposing the transfer of human resource functions to the Department of Human Resources (DHR). The report makes alternative recommendations to increase the effectiveness of the Department and the County organizational structure. The issue addressed was how to best utilize the services of the DHR within the County structure.
Links: View Report as PDF
August, 1995 – Letter to the Board Concerning the Organizational Placement of the CIO (Organization)
Title: Letter to the Board Concerning the Organizational Placement of the CIO (Organization)
Date: August 1995
Pages: 2
Summary: This letter recommends that the Board place the CIO function in the Chief Administrative Office rather than in the Auditor-Controller or as a stand alone department.
Links: View Report as PDF
September, 1995 – Asset Management Strategies for the Los Angeles County Real Estate Portfolio (Real Asset Management)
Title: Asset Management Strategies for the Los Angeles County Real Estate Portfolio (Real Asset Management)
Date: September 1995
Pages: 58
Summary: This study examines the revenue potential of County-owned real property assets. In it, an earlier Chief Administrative Office study on the subject is reviewed and critiqued. New recommendations are also made with for the goal of achieving long-term savings. It concludes that several immediate actions are required, including adopting clear asset management goals, developing a strategic plan, developing an information system for ready access to holdings information, and effecting changes in Federal, state and local statutes regarding County control over its real assets.
Links: View Report as PDF | View Report as PDF
November, 1995 – Reengineering Patient Care at Los Angeles County's Department of Health Services (Organization)
Title: Reengineering Patient Care at Los Angeles County's Department of Health Services (Organization)
Date: November 1995
Pages: 136
Summary: This study explores strategies for revisions of urgent care services within the County of Los Angeles. A reengineering approach was selected because of the need for improvements in the quality of patient care and the need for cost reduction within the Department and County. Two urgent health care sites were reviewed in order to develop an analytical model that could be replicated elsewhere in the County.
Links: View Report as PDF | View Background Report as PDF
January, 1996 – Synopsis of Publications 1965-1995, Citizens' Economy and Efficiency Commission (Commission)
Title: Synopsis of Publications 1965-1995, Citizens' Economy and Efficiency Commission (Commission)
Date: January 1996
Pages: 17
Summary: This report catalogued and summarized Commission publications since its inception in 1965. It lists 125 publications which included 88 classified as reports, 11 as studies, 17 as letters and 9 as position papers. 83 had been initiated by the Board of Supervisors and 42 by the Commission.
Links: View Report as PDF
January, 1996 – A Review of the Report Issued by the Health Crisis Manager Entitled Governance of the Department of Health Services (Organization)
Title: A Review of the Report Issued by the Health Crisis Manager Entitled Governance of the Department of Health Services (Organization)
Date: January 1996
Pages: 11
Summary: This report contains an analysis of the problems of governance and considers several key elements necessary to make an informed decision on this highly complex and long-ranging proposal. It points out several areas that impact on the adoption of a means of governing health services within Los Angeles County.
Links: View Report as PDF | View Background Report as PDF
March, 1996 – Restatement of the Recommendations Made in the Report on the Consolidation of the Department of Health Services Human Resources Function with the Department of Human Resources (Organization)
Title: Restatement of the Recommendations Made in the Report on the Consolidation of the Department of Health Services Human Resources Function with the Department of Human Resources (Organization)
Date: March 1996
Pages: 3
Summary: At the request of the Board the Commission consolidated and summarized the 24 recommendations made in its August 1995 report on the same matter.
Links: View Report as PDF | View Background Report as PDF
April, 1996 – CAO's March 18th Response to the Commission's Report on Human Resources Function Consolidation (Organization)
Title: CAO's March 18th Response to the Commission's Report on Human Resources Function Consolidation (Organization)
Date: April 1996
Pages: 2
Summary: This letter to the Board of Supervisors clarifies the intent of the Commission's recommendations in light of the CAO's response to the report on the human resources function consolidation.
Links: View Report as PDF
April, 1996 – Recommendations on the Natural History Museum (Organization)
Title: Recommendations on the Natural History Museum (Organization)
Date: April 1996
Pages: 6
Summary: This letter clarifies and amplifies for the Board of Supervisors the seven recommendations which the Natural History Museum did not find acceptable and were not approved by the Board.
Links: View Report as PDF
July, 1996 – Accountability and Municipal Service Delivery to Unincorporated Areas (Operations)
Title: Accountability and Municipal Service Delivery to Unincorporated Areas (Operations)
Date: July 1996
Pages: 78
Summary: This study highlights the complexities involved in the delivery of municipal services through the use of a service delivery model. An understanding of how these systems work, improves the analysis and evaluation of alternative means of delivering municipal services. The conclusions of this study recognizes the need for the development of county strategies to effectively address the problems associated with the delivery of municipal services. It is anticipated that this approach will assist decision makers in improving the equitability, efficiency, effectiveness and accountability for municipal service delivery.
Links: View Report as PDF | View Background Report as PDF
October, 1996 – Internal Services Department (ISD) Restructuring Review (Organization)
Title: Internal Services Department (ISD) Restructuring Review (Organization)
Date: October 1996
Pages: 11
Summary: This report evaluates the restructuring actions taken by Internal Services Department (ISD) as recommended by the Economy and Efficiency Commission and the County of Los Angeles Chief Administrative Office. The report analyzes these recommendations, their impact to operations of ISD, evaluates the actions taken, and makes further recommendations for policy and operational improvements.
Links: View Report as PDF | View Background Report as PDF
October, 1996 – Update of the Commission's Asset Management Report Issued September 12th, 1995 (Organization)
Title: Update of the Commission's Asset Management Report Issued September 12th, 1995 (Organization)
Date: October 1996
Pages: 4
Summary: The report to be updated outlined a series of findings and recommendations addressing the County's Asset Management Program. This is a follow-up report on the how the the recommendations have been implemented.
Links: View Report as PDF | View Report as PDF
January, 1997 – Update of the Commission's DHS Reengineering Report Issued November 1, 1995 (Operations)
Title: Update of the Commission's DHS Reengineering Report Issued November 1, 1995 (Operations)
Date: January 1997
Pages: 2
Summary: This memo communicates to the Board of Supervisors that the Department of Health Services have made advances in the areas covered by this report and continues to improve the health care environment.
Links: View Report as PDF
January, 1997 – Synopsis of Publications 1965-1996, Citizens' Economy and Efficiency Commission (Commission)
Title: Synopsis of Publications 1965-1996, Citizens' Economy and Efficiency Commission (Commission)
Date: January 1997
Pages: 25
Summary: This report updates catalogued and summarized Economy and Efficiency Commission publications since its creation by the Board of Supervisors in 1965. It lists the reports, studies, letters and position papers of the Commission. This synopsis summarizes these publications within categories and presents titles chronologically.
Links: View Report as PDF
February, 1997 – Review of the Relationship between Los Angeles County and State Government (Policy)
Title: Review of the Relationship between Los Angeles County and State Government (Policy)
Date: February 1997
Pages: 56
Summary: This study undertook an analysis of the recommendations of the California Constitutional Revision Commission (CCRC) that relate to the state-local government relationship. In its study, the EEC reviewed these recommendations in detail and develops a framework within which Los Angeles County can best pursue a course of action to improve its relationship with State Government. Through a consensus building process within the greater metropolitan Los Angeles community, local government can become a meaningful force in the restructuring and realignment of governmental relationships.
Links: View Report as PDF | View Background Report as PDF
April, 1997 – Implementation Review of the Natural History Museum Recommendations (Organization)
Title: Implementation Review of the Natural History Museum Recommendations (Organization)
Date: April 1997
Pages: 9
Summary: This letter to the Board of Supervisors discusses the implementation status of the 29 recommendations made to improve the management and operations of the Natural History Museum.
Links: View Report as PDF
August, 1997 – Wheeling Power for Energy Cost Savings (Operations)
Title: Wheeling Power for Energy Cost Savings (Operations)
Date: August 1997
Pages: 4
Summary: During the initial phases of the Commission's investigation into the Employees Suggestion Program, it became acutely aware of the potential magnitude of the fiscal and budgetary impacts that wheeling power raises. As a result of the magnitude of the potential impacts to the County, the Commission wanted to recommend that the Board of Supervisors direct the Economy and Efficiency Commission conduct an independent review of the options available to the County and define the strategies to pursue to best capitalize upon this emerging market.
Links: View Report as PDF
November, 1997 – An Investigation into the Processing of an Employee's Suggestion (Operations)
Title: An Investigation into the Processing of an Employee's Suggestion (Operations)
Date: November 1997
Pages: 32
Summary: At the request of Supervisor Antonovich, the Commission conducted an investigation into the events involved in the processing of a suggestion made by a County employee. This investigation of the program's procedures resulted in the development of sixteen (16) findings and forty-two (42) recommendations to strengthen how the County manages and evaluates employee suggestions. Although the investigation was not designed as an overall evaluation of the County's Employee Suggestion Awards (ESA) Program, the findings and recommendations can be used as a foundation for the performance of an overall program review.
Links: View Report as PDF
March, 1998 – Synopsis of Publications 1965-1997, Citizens' Economy and Efficiency Commission (Commission)
Title: Synopsis of Publications 1965-1997, Citizens' Economy and Efficiency Commission (Commission)
Date: March 1998
Pages: 33
Summary: This report updates catalogued and summarized Economy and Efficiency Commission publications since its creation by the Board of Supervisors in 1965. It lists the reports, studies, letters and position papers of the Commission. This synopsis summarizes these publications within categories and presents titles chronologically.
Links: View Report as PDF
June, 1998 – EEC Follow-Up to the 1996-97 Grand Jury Recommendation Concerning expanding the Services Provided by the Office of the Ombudsman (Operations)
Title: EEC Follow-Up to the 1996-97 Grand Jury Recommendation Concerning expanding the Services Provided by the Office of the Ombudsman (Operations)
Date: June 1998
Pages: 4
Summary: This letter discusses the purpose of augmenting the responsibilities the Ombudsman to influence the attitude of county residents toward the county positively, to encourage the participation of residents in local government, and to respond to the concerns of the ". . . disinterested citizenry and distraught minorities." The adoption of the Commission's recommendations, developed to support the recommendation made by the 1996-97 Grand Jury, would provide a focus for county officials to the need for an increased "customer oriented approach" within government. This strategy has proven itself to be both substantive and successful within other governmental jurisdictions and private sector firms.
Links: View Report as PDF
August , 1998 – Evaluation of Receivables Tracking and Collections Systems A Blueprint for Change (Operations)
Title: Evaluation of Receivables Tracking and Collections Systems A Blueprint for Change (Operations)
Date: August 1998
Pages: 158
Summary: This study, which was requested by the Board of Supervisors, was initiated to evaluate the County's individual and commercial debt tracking and collections systems and to improve the management of its receivable delinquencies and accounts receivable program. The study identifies numerous opportunities to improve collections, reduce delinquencies, minimize errors, and increase efficiency. The study also points out that these opportunities for improvement are impacted by the policies, procedures, available technology, resources, organization, and level of commitment to the collection process.
Links: View Report as PDF | View Background Report as PDF
December, 1998 – Citizens' Economy and Efficiency Commission Report Writing Guide (Commission)
Title: Citizens' Economy and Efficiency Commission Report Writing Guide (Commission)
Date: December 1998
Pages: 13
Summary: This document provides guidance as to how to prepare reports and studies for publication. It addresses issues of grammar, format, style, and the processes used in the preparation of documents for the Commission. It is not meant to establish strict criteria for the creation of Commission documents, but rather is designed to be used as basis for determining the basic information and style considerations for each publication.
Links: View Report as PDF
February, 1999 – Synopsis of Publications 1965-1998, Citizens' Economy and Efficiency Commission (Commission)
Title: Synopsis of Publications 1965-1998, Citizens' Economy and Efficiency Commission (Commission)
Date: February 1999
Pages: 30
Summary: This report updates catalogued and summarized Economy and Efficiency Commission publications since its creation by the Board of Supervisors in 1965. It lists the reports, studies, letters and position papers of the Commission. This synopsis summarizes these publications within categories and presents titles chronologically.
Links: View Report as PDF
April, 2001 – Review of the Actions in Response to the "Accountability and Municipal Service Delivery to Unincorporated Areas"(Operations)
Title: Review of the Actions in Response to the "Accountability and Municipal Service Delivery to Unincorporated Areas" Report (Operations)
Date: April 2001
Pages: 5
Summary: This review was initiated in the context of other actions that have been taken in response to issues raised in the unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County. It was also intended to provide the county with a follow-up review of the Commission's 1996 report covering the delivery of municipal services to unincorporated areas. This review concluded that many of the actions taken by the county have been commendable and makes several additional recommendations to assist in these efforts.
Links: View Report as PDF
July, 2001 – Review of the Effectiveness of the Los Angeles County Grand Jury (Courts)
Title: Review of the Effectiveness of the Los Angeles County Grand Jury (Courts)
Date: July 2001
Pages: 30
Summary: Primarily in an attempt to respond to concerns raised regarding the diversity of the grand jury, the Los Angeles County Superior Court bifurcated the 2000-2001 Grand Jury into its criminal and civil functions. As a result of this bifurcation several problems arose that required increased attention by both the court and the grand jury. These problems included facilities management, training, morale, ability to indict, costs and recruitment. To assist the court in their efforts and in response several specific concerns, the Economy and Efficiency Commission undertook a review of the grand jury to consider these difficulties in the context of the operations and effectiveness of the separate functions into which it has been divided.
Links: View Report as PDF
February, 2002 – A Review of Emancipation Services (Operations)
Title: A Review of Emancipation Services (Operations)
Date: February 2002
Pages: 26
Summary: This review was initiated by the Commission to consider problems with the delivery of emancipation services to the young adults of Los Angeles County. In evaluating these problems recommendations focused primarily upon operations, technology utilization and the availability of housing to this population. This report was prepared with the objective of contributing to the ongoing efforts of the program's participants to develop effective and efficient service delivery.
Links: View Report as PDF | View Background Report as PDF
July, 2002 – Synopsis of Publications 1965-2002, Citizens' Economy and Efficiency Commission (Commission)
Title: Synopsis of Publications 1965-2002, Citizens' Economy and Efficiency Commission (Commission)
Date: July 2002
Pages: 28
Summary: This report updates catalogued and summarized Economy and Efficiency Commission publications since its creation by the Board of Supervisors in 1965. It lists the reports, studies, letters and position papers of the Commission. This synopsis summarizes these publications within categories and presents titles chronologically.
Links: View Report as PDF
November, 2002 – Monitoring Current Audit Recommendations (Operations)
Title: Monitoring Current Audit Recommendations (Operations)
Date: November 2002
Pages: 22
Summary: This report addresses the need for the County to develop an effective browser based follow-up system that monitors and capitalizes on the recommendations made as a result of audits conducted for County departments and agencies. This approach will provide departments and other authorized officials with the ability to effectively respond to the status of recommendations and to utilize them, as deemed appropriate, to improve the efficiency of county operations. The report also suggests modifications to County policy and code.
Links: View Report as PDF
November, 2002 – Commission's Position on the Los Angeles County Administrative Systems (LACAS) (Operations)
Title: Commission's Position on the Los Angeles County Administrative Systems (LACAS) (Operations)
Date: November 2002
Pages: 2
Summary: This letter presents the Commission's position on LACAS. This position, which is supportive and advocates the project's conceptual approach and its overall objectives of improving the management of the County's data assets and departmental operations, also points out that the contract should be closely monitored.
Links: View Report as PDF
December, 2002 – Report to the Board of Supervisors on the Activities of the Los Angeles County Citizen's Economy and Efficiency Commission (Commission)
Title: Report to the Board of Supervisors on the Activities of the Los Angeles County Citizen's Economy and Efficiency Commission
Date: December 2002
Pages: 10
Summary: This document reports on the activities of the Commission for the year 2002. During this period, in addition to undertaking projects designed to advance the efficiency and effectiveness of County management and operations, the Commission reports on its activities in the areas of community outreach, operational efficiency, organizational representation and the management of the Commission's strategic direction.
Links: View Report as PDF
January, 2003 – Review and Recommendations for Master County Event Calendar (Operations)
Title: Review and Recommendations for Master County Event Calendar (Operations)
Date: January 2003
Pages: 11
Summary: It appears to the Commission that the development of a master events calendar would provide the county with an effective tool to enhance communication, encourage broadly based participation in the processes of governing, and contribute in a meaningful manner to furthering the openness of government. The Economy and Efficiency Commission recommended that the Board of Supervisors support expanding the utilization County Events Calendar to meet the objectives set forth in the 1998 memo from the Executive Officer and the expanded objectives set forth in this review. The Commission feels that this utilization will contribute significantly to the coordination of and communication on both internal and external events.
Links: View Report as PDF
April, 2003 – Response to E-mail on Hall of Records Lighting Conditions (Operations)
Title: Response to E-mail on Hall of Records Lighting Conditions (Operations)
Date: April 2003
Pages: 22
Summary: This letter was in response to an e-mail to Supervisor Antonovich concerning the lights being left on in the Hall of Records during hours of non-operation. The Economy and Efficiency Commission reviewed the lighting conditions within this building and found that the circumstances as described in the e-mail have proven to be correct. This letter includes several other recommendations by the Commission to improve the working conditions and safety of County employees.
Links: View Report as PDF
July, 2003 – Synopsis of Publications 1965-2003, Citizens' Economy and Efficiency Commission (Commission)
Title: Synopsis of Publications 1965-2003, Citizens' Economy and Efficiency Commission (Commission)
Date: July 2003
Pages: 28
Summary: This report updates catalogued and summarized Economy and Efficiency Commission publications since its creation by the Board of Supervisors in 1965. It lists the reports, studies, letters and position papers of the Commission. This synopsis summarizes these publications within categories and presents titles chronologically.
Links: View Report as PDF
September, 2004 – Addressing Workers Compensation Fraud in Los Angeles County (Operations)
Title: Addressing Workers Compensation Fraud in Los Angeles County (Operations)
Date: September 2004
Pages: 59
Summary: This report reviews the history and the current status of the workers compensation system in Los Angeles County and how the County can deter, detect, investigate and prosecute fraud and abuse in the workers' compensation system. Having reviewed the elements which comprise the system, this report makes 46 recommendations in 11 operational areas for the purpose of reducing the possibility for fraud and abuse.
Links: View Report as PDF | View Background Report as PDF
November, 2004 – Video Arraignment and its Potential for use in the County Criminal Justice System (Operations)
Title: Video Arraignment and its Potential for use in the County Criminal Justice System (Operations)
Date: November 2004
Pages: 36
Summary: The report considers how video technology has been used successfully nationwide by numerous jurisdictions and within Los Angeles County as an effective alternative to the transportation of prisoners to court for arraignment. As a result of this investigation, the report recommends that the criminal justice system undertake a pilot project to validate the cost effectiveness of this technology.
Links: View Report as PDF
June, 2005 – Synopsis of Publications 1964-2005 (Commission)
Title: Synopsis of Publications 1964-2005 (Commission)
Date: June 2005
Pages: 30
Summary: This report updates catalogued and summarized Economy and Efficiency Commission publications since its creation by the Board of Supervisors in 1965. It lists the reports, studies, letters and position papers of the Commission. This synopsis summarizes these publications within categories and presents titles chronologically.
Links: View Report as PDF
June, 2005 – Executive Succession Management in Los Angeles County (Operations)
Title: Executive Succession Management in Los Angeles County (Operations)
Date: June 2005
Pages: 30
Summary: The Commission, in conjunction with the Director of Personnel, was tasked by the Board of Supervisors to review current programs that exist which develop and mentor managers into leadership positions and make recommendations on improving the process. The report makes twelve recommendations that are intended to build upon the advances that have been made by the current county programs and processes. The goal of this report was to provide the County with a foundation for the development of an executive succession management program that will prepare qualified individuals to meet the challenges and assume the responsibilities of senior management positions within the County.
Links: View Report as PDF
July, 2006 – A Letter in Support of SB 1421(Operations)
Title: A Letter in Support of SB 1421(Operations)
Date: July 2006
Pages: 1
Summary: This letter was sent to Senator Kevin Murray, Chairman, California State Senate Appropriations Committee to support a pilot programs to investigate fraud in Stages 1 and 2 of the State controlled Child Care Program.
Links: View Report as PDF
July, 2006 – A Proposal to Establish a Retired Peace Officer Corps (RPOC) within Los Angeles County (Operations)
Title: A Proposal to Establish a Retired Peace Officer Corps (RPOC) within Los Angeles County (Operations)
Date: July 2006
Pages: 9
Summary: This is a proposal that would reinforce the ability of local government to execute its responsibility to the public during emergencies and to improve the responsiveness of its law enforcement agencies by using those trained and dedicated men and women who have retired from law enforcement agencies. These individuals have the skills, knowledge and experience to meaningfully contribute to effective law enforcement operations for the duration of a disaster or emergency. This report recommends that the qualifications of retired personnel can be effectively utilized by assigning qualified individuals to pre-designated support and/or administrative positions that are normally occupied by serving officers. This mobilization would not only expand the available force by making active officers available to undertake other critical law enforcement duties within the community, but it would also provide a means through which these individuals could serve their community in times of exceptional need.
Links: View Report as PDF
August, 2006 – Synopsis of Publications 1964-2006 (Commission)
Title: Synopsis of Publications 1964-2006 (Commission)
Date: August 2006
Pages: 33
Summary: This report updates catalogued and summarized Economy and Efficiency Commission publications since its creation by the Board of Supervisors in 1965. It lists the reports, studies, letters and position papers of the Commission. This synopsis summarizes these publications within categories and presents titles chronologically.
October, 2006 – Addressing the Issue of Child Care Welfare Fraud Within Los Angeles County (Operations)
Title: Addressing the Issue of Child Care Welfare Fraud Within Los Angeles County (Operations)
Date: October 2006
Pages: 54
Summary: On July 11, 2006 the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors requested that the Economy and Efficiency Commission conduct a study to make recommendations on immediate actions that could be taken by the Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) or other County departments to prevent Stage 1 child care welfare fraud. As a result of the efforts to respond to this request the Commission has come to recognize that child care welfare benefits provide significant assistance to Welfare-to-Work Program participants in achieving their goal of self-sufficiency. In spite of this value to the individual and to society, the Commission has also come to recognize from current prosecutions and convictions that there is fraud in the program, although the level of this fraud cannot be accurately determined. This report addresses this potential for fraud by making 35 recommendations that the Commission feels will strengthened the program, not the least of which is the establishment of an objective measure of child care welfare fraud with which increasingly effective public policy decisions can be implemented.
Links: View Report as PDF
July, 2008 – Review of New Governance Structure (Operations)
Title: Review of New Governance Structure (Operations)
Date: July 2008
Pages: 33
Summary: Associated with Ordinance 2007-0048 instituting the new governance structure, a Board motion directed the Citizens' Economy and Efficiency Commission to review the implementation of the plan and the effectiveness of the ordinance.
Links: View Report as PDF
June, 2009 – Analysis of Strategic Planning Process in County of Los Angeles (Operations)
Title: Analysis of Strategic Planning Process in County of Los Angeles (Operations)
Date: June 2009
Pages: 20
Summary: In a motion dated February 3, 2009, the Board directed the Citizens' Economy and Efficiency Commission to conduct an overall assessment of the County's strategic planning process.
Links: View Report as PDF
November, 2010 – A Review and Analysis of Los Angeles County's Human Resources and Civil Service Commission Processes (Operations)
Title: A Review and Analysis of Los Angeles County's Human Resources and Civil Service Commission Processes (Operations)
Date: November 2010
Pages: 20
Summary: In a motion dated November 24, 2009, the Board directed the Citizens' Economy and Efficiency Commission to conduct an overall assessment of the County's current Civil Service System and Human Resource Management practices.
Links: View Report as PDF
August, 2012 – Implementation Status Update of Los Angeles County's Human Resources and Civil Service Commission Processes (Operations)
Title: Implementation Status Update of Los Angeles County's Human Resources and Civil Service Commission Processes (Operations)
Date: August 2012
Pages: 23
Summary: In a motion dated January 25, 2011, the Board requested that the Commission conduct a review to provide the Board with an assessment of the County's progress over the last year to implement the recommendation.
Links: View Report as PDF
February, 2014 – A Review of Los Angeles County's Process For Transitioning to E-Government Applications (Operations)
Title: A Review of Los Angeles County's Process For Transitioning to E-Government Applications (Operations)
Date: February 2014
Pages: 23
Summary: In a motion dated October 9,2012, the Board requested that the Commission conduct a review to provide the Board with an assessment of the County's transition to E-Government applications.
Links: View Report as PDF
May 2016 – A Review of Los Angeles County’s Investigation and Management Phases of the Disciplinary Process
Title: A Review of Los Angeles County’s Investigation and Management Phases of the Disciplinary Process (Operations)
Date: May 2016
Pages: 26
Summary: In a motion dated October 30, 2012, the Board requested that the Commission conduct a review to provide the Board with an assessment of the County’s investigation and management phases of the disciplinary process (report delayed to allow the initial workload surge to stabilize and departments to get familiar with the new processes).
Links: View Report as PDF
May 2016 – A Review of Los Angeles County’s User Fee Setting Process
Title: A Review of Los Angeles County’s User Fee Setting Process (Operations)
Date: May 2016
Pages: 12
Summary: In a motion dated June 22, 2015, the Board requested that the Commission conduct a review to provide the Board with an assessment of the County’s user fee setting process.
Links: View Report as PDF
April, 2017 – Review of Los Angeles County's Civil Service Hiring Process (Operation)
Title: Review of Los Angeles County's Civil Service Hiring Process (Operation)
Date: April 2017
Pages: 19
Summary: Our recommendations to improve the County’s Civil Service hiring process are clustered in three groups.
Recommendations 1 – 5: Process Improvements.
Recommendation 6: Technological Improvements.
Recommendations 7 – 11: Rule Changes and Policy or Cultural Changes
Links: View Report as PDF
August, 2018 – Advancing Economic Development Strategies in Los Angeles County
Title: Advancing Economic Development Strategies in Los Angeles County
Date: August 2018
Pages: 16
Summary: Summary: Economic development was hallmarked as a critical element to the 2016-2020 Los Angeles County Strategic Plan. The Commission used a grounded theory approach as a framework deemed most suitable for this type of study. Data was collected from literature as well as from interviews with large businesses and trade/employer associations. The Commission’s findings were categorized into emerging themes, and the three categories of recommendations below were developed and chosen from a list of options the Commission felt the County can build on to advance economic development strategies already in place Grow the Biosciences Sector, Integrate Internal Systems and Add Smart Technology, Develop a Robust Pipeline of Skilled Workers, and Use Technology-Enabled Services to Improve the Land Entitlement Process.
Links: View Report as PDF
June, 2019 – Video Arraignment 2.0:Streaming Justice
Title: Video Arraignment 2.0:Streaming Justice
Date: June 3, 2019
Pages: 19
Summary: The report considers how video technology has been used successfully nationwide by numerous jurisdictions and within Los Angeles County as an effective alternative to the transportation of prisoners to court for arraignment. As a result of this investigation, the report recommends that the criminal justice system undertake a pilot project to validate the cost effectiveness of this technology.
Links: View Report as PDF
July, 2021 – The HYBRID Model: A Flexible Work Future
Title: The HYBRID Model: A Flexible Work Future
Date: July 8, 2021
Page: 29
Summary: Businesses are reopening its offices as the COVID pandemic wanes. A hybrid model that allows employees to work from home part-time seemed to be emerging among companies and workers. While many research organizations have conducted studies to help private sector firms return-to-work safely, limited research exists in the government sector. To close this knowledge gap, the Economy and Efficiency Commission has conducted an empirical research study using an embedded mixed-method design to build on the success of teleworking to improve customer and employee experiences. The findings and analysis resulted in a theoretical model of best management practices that may be used to improve County services, hedge against future disruptive catastrophes, and contribute to the epistemology of teleworking rooted in empirical research.
Links: View Report as PDF
Date: December, 2021
Page: 17
Summary: The Commission studied the "Bus Stop in Los Angeles County” The purpose of this project is to engage students with hands-on experiences and connect classroom learning to real-world problems. The basic objectives are: 1) support students in applying conceptual classroom learning to problems similar to issues they may encounter in their own personal lives and communities; 2) engage students with hands on experience to increase knowledge, acquire skills, and develop capacity into their own interests, passions, and values; and, 3) help students build confidence, leadership, and critical thinking skills to prepare them for the future and develop an appreciation of community.
Links: View Report as PDF | View PowerPoint
Date: December, 2022
Page: 12
Summary: The report considers how video technology has been used successfully nationwide by numerous jurisdictions and within Los Angeles County as an effective alternative to the transportation of prisoners to court for arraignment. As a result of this investigation, the report recommends that the criminal justice system undertake a pilot project to validate the cost effectiveness of this technology.
Links: View Report as PDF
Date: June, 2023
Page: 17
Summary: The collective experience of the past two years has fundamentally changed how the County of Los Angeles (County) defines the role of work. Even though hybrid work existed before COVID-19, the mandatory lockdown during the pandemic allowed many departments to adopt remote working models based on their respective operational needs. By 2021, hybrid work has become more common than ever, with some organizations moving permanently to hybrid models and downgrading their physical offices.
As workplaces across the County are reopening, departments are adapting their policies to allow greater flexibility. Although this shift in the workforce posed many challenges, there are transformative changes making the way the County works better. Already, hybrid work is up significantly in all departments, and as more employees are likely to consider transitioning to hybrid soon, the challenge ahead for every organization is to meet employees’ new expectations while balancing business outcomes.
Links: View Report as PDF